Not good news.....

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jul 10, 2011
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Hello guys, haven't been here for a while things have been a bit busy.

Anyway, I've had to separate the boys :( weeks of face offs and teeth chattering have escalated into wounds. Don't know what's triggered it off, my guess is Jamies now 9 months old and challenging Gino for top spot.

Separated them with a grid down the middle of the cage last night, left it there all night. Today I put them on neutral ground and re bonded, then back in the cage and all was calm for 4 hours.

Unfortunately, it all kicked off again just now and now Gino has a small cut near his eye 8... I feel so bad that he's got that, but i thought it was all ok so i left then to it after 2 hours.

Tomorrow, I will try a bath together to see if that helps another re bonding session. But to be honest, Jamies behaviour with the grid is very obvious, he's a lot more relaxed.....and that I think should be what I base any future decision on....gutted doesn't even explain how I'm feeling right now.
oh honey, I'm so sorry, its awful when they get like that, my two went through a really bad patch, but touch wood so far they havent drawn blood, as we speak they have just flown at each other!

Hope the bath works, it has worked for me before with other piggies x
I am sorry - that age is often the worst.
Oh no I am sorry :( Hopefully a bath together will do the trick. The very best of luck, let us know how you get on :...
I noticed yesterday that they both had bits on their backs, which is why I separated them in the first place.

Theres been some serious rumbling, teeth chattering, yawning over the last few weeks....but up until yesterday no wounds so left them to sort it out.

If the bath doesn't work, then I will need to re arrange the housing set up and keep them both in separate cages.....I couldn't give either of them up, love them both to bits
I'm not an expert on bonding boys that's for sure, but I know boys can sometimes be bonded after the teenage hormonal, I'd be tempted to leave them as they are and perhaps try and rebond a couple of month's down the line. Suzy, may be able to offer some help she has lots of bonding experience. X
I think a lot depends on how badly they have fallen out. If it has got to the stage where I have needed to separate then I have never got them back together. Two of mine had a big fall out today so I will be getting them booked in to be castrated very soon. I don't like them being on their own.
Thanks for all the input guys.

I'm not sure about the castration thing, they were never snuggly boys anyway so keeping them separate but in cages together is what I'm thinking at the moment. But I may change my mind.

I will see what happens over the weekend.

Ginos uti needed another 2 week course of septrin. It seems to have done the trick as he's ok now thanks Paula.
Scrap that.....decided to wait until Monday...I'm going to be in and out all day today and tomorrow, and I need to do this when I have a full day of attention to give them.

So for now, they are separated by a some C&C grids until Monday. They are both very relaxed in their own little domanins.
Oh no :( i'm so sorry to hear that! I was horrid when I thought Mabel wouldn't accept Fin as I knew I didn't *really* have the space for another cage but there was no way I was giving Fin up! Maybe it's better that you will be giving them some time to calm down before trying the bath.
No, I'm waiting till the weekend when I'm here to keep an eye on them afterwards.

Too much time out of the housed at the moment, I need to be sure that they are ok together before I leave them for long periods And go to work :...

They are getting plenty of floor time when I'm at home, and it's all calm..piggy trains and popcorning but as soon as they are back in their cage teeth chattering and rumbling :(
As well as the bath you could also try putting them together in a pet carrier and taking them out for a short drive in the car as this is neutral ground and often it helps as they will look to each other for comfort xx
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