Not eating veg


Forum Donator 2024/25
Oct 17, 2013
Reaction score
North West Leicestershire
I've noticed my guinea pigs,are not eating,coriander,lettuce, peppers .it does not appear to be correlated to any brand,just leaving it all.
Not sure of its boredom or what.all ten piggies.ive kept all veg fresh and in date.
I'm going to stop all veg for a week,and see if they eat it after that.
Has anyone else had problems with this?
This is not much help but I have also found my boys are just not interested much in peppers or lettuce recently. Although when left in their cage they will eventually eat it, but I have found in the past couple weeks their favourites such as lettuce are not as big of a hit anymore.

Perhaps you could supplement with grass for the time being, and maybe take all veg away and then re-introduce as you would a new/baby piggy.
I've never had it will lots of veg types at once but I have noticed at certain times there will be one veg they won't touch. Peppers and cucumber are common ones. I think country of origin and variety varies, what might look exactly the same to us maybe tastes different/wrong to them?
The goblins do it too - coriander's the main one. I buy baby cucumbers and peppers because it's the only way I can be sure they'll eat them, too much "normal" pepper and they won't eat it. Otherwise they do it with the non-everyday stuff - rocket, broccoli, kale, that kind of thing. Those are at least easier to substitute than coriander.
My piggies sometimes ignore the veg if they have been out on the lawn and eaten lots of grass. Rosie and Val, the young skinnies, never eat all their veg in one go, they wander off eat some hay and then come back to it later.

Maybe try mixing the veg in some hay in a paper bag to give them a reason to forage for it.