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Not Eating Pellets or Treats


New Born Pup
Jan 8, 2024
Reaction score
Hey! My guinea pig Pumpkin just turned 3. I took her and her cagemate to the vet because some of the poops were looking concerning. I wasn't able to go in, so I dropped them off. My vet called me and said that she saw concerning stuff in her eyes and recommened some treatments. She believed it was some sort of bacteria in the intestines. We could either get an X-ray, Do blood work, or send stool to the lab. We decided bloodwork and she sent us home with antibiotics and probiotics for both of my guinea pigs. More for pumpkin. I give them anibiotics twice a day and probiotics once a day, one hour after first dose of the day. I woke up today a found that the guinea pigs didnt eat their pellets last night and now they refuse to eat oxbow vitamin c treats or the digestive ones. They seem to be eating hay but havent seen them drink yet.
Hey! My guinea pig Pumpkin just turned 3. I took her and her cagemate to the vet because some of the poops were looking concerning. I wasn't able to go in, so I dropped them off. My vet called me and said that she saw concerning stuff in her eyes and recommened some treatments. She believed it was some sort of bacteria in the intestines. We could either get an X-ray, Do blood work, or send stool to the lab. We decided bloodwork and she sent us home with antibiotics and probiotics for both of my guinea pigs. More for pumpkin. I give them anibiotics twice a day and probiotics once a day, one hour after first dose of the day. I woke up today a found that the guinea pigs didnt eat their pellets last night and now they refuse to eat oxbow vitamin c treats or the digestive ones. They seem to be eating hay but havent seen them drink yet.

Hi and welcome

Please switch from weighing once weekly on your kitchen scales (cheap superstore ones will do) to weighing daily first thing in the morning for best day to day comparison. Just watching a piggy nibbling on some hay can be ever so deceptive since hay makes three quarters of the daily food intake. The poo output is running about a day or two behind the intake so it can tell you what in yesterday and whether it is just lack of food or a digestive problem but only the scales can give you an to date backfeed so you know when and how much to step in with syringe feed for the next 24 hours. Your support care is as important for a good outcome as any syringe feed.
Please take the time to read this link here; it tells you all about weight monitoring and any feeding support, including how to improvise in a pinch: All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures

Did your vet say anything more specific about the eyes? We cannot comment due to lack of precise information. it would also help if you listed the medication and dosages. Thank you.
They are taking Metronidazole .3 ml for pumpkin and .2 ml for her cage mate. And the probiotic is Bene-bac plus.