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Not eating or pooping


New Born Pup
Jul 12, 2022
Reaction score
United States
I have a guinea pig named Appa, he's a year and some change old. Appa hasn't pooped in 24 hours and he is not eating a lot. I got him critical care and started syringe feeding (unfortunately by force) he is drinking water. I took him to the emergency vet and he got a pain reliever and they hydrated him through the skin. It seems like he wants to eat as he pulls at his hay when I hand feed him but then drops it. The vet recommended an XRay but it was over 1,000 dollars and I'm currently not working and can't afford it. I'm so heart broken because I've grown attached to this little sweet love. He's acting normal and vitals were normal. He's just not eating a lot or pooping. Don't know what else to do and any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated! 🙏
Please make sure you switch from the routine weekly weight checks and instead weigh him daily so you can be sure to syringe feed enough critical care in each 24 hour period to keep his weight stable.
Reduced/no poop means not enough food intake. Poop output is 1-2 days behind food intake so by the time you notice reduced/no poop, they’ve already not been eating enough for up to a couple of days. It will then take a further few days of getting enough food into him and keeping his weight stable before you see output again.

We can only guess as to what the issue may be which isn’t helpful, but did the vet check his teeth? If he is dropping food, then that might suggest some dental problems - overgrown teeth, trapped tongue etc.
Is there someone who can help you with the cost of vet care. The further checks are, of course, the only way to find out what is going on

i hope he is ok

Emergency, Crisis and Bridging Care until a Vet Appointment
Not Eating, Weight Loss And The Importance Of Syringe Feeding Fibre
All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures
Thank you so much for your response. I took him to the vet today and he is very dehydrated and not eating enough. I was syringe feeding him critical care but today he wants nothing to do with it. I don't have the money for X-rays and hospitalization as I'm currently not working. He's home now and resting in quiet room. We keep showing him so much love and try to get him to drink water but we know it's only a matter of time. He has not pooped in 48 hours. If this is it we just want him to be comfortable at home with his family. He was/is very dearly loved and I did the best I could.
Update! He finally pooped not a lot but still. I started critical care again today and he ate half of the syringe and then drank fresh water on his own. I don't want to get my hopes up but I'll keep doing what I'm doing to see if he improves.
His gut is working so there is still hope. Try and look at his incisor (front) teeth yourself. You might even be able to see by gently stroking under his chin which usually makes them lift up their heads so you can see the 4 front teeth. There should be 2 at the top and 2 at the bottom. If there is a problem on one side further back then the front teeth can look slanted in one direction instead of even because piggy will chew on one side to avoid pain. So if a piggy has a spur on one back tooth that is sticking into his cheek and hurting him he will try to chew on one side. An X-ray can spot this but sometimes a skilled vet can spot it with just an examination. If you can put on your State we might have a member nearby who can recommend a vet. Or a nearby rescue - if we are lucky - that can advise. There can be all sorts of reasons a piggie stops eating but a vet should always examine teeth!

Sometimes if they do not get enough hay the back teeth can grow inwards and entrap the tongue. This can also just be down to genetics. The front teeth can still look even. This will unfortunately require a dental operation - general anaesthetic etc. This will be expensive. But it might be much more simple - if piggy has heat stroke, dehydration, transient bloat from an imbalance his diet - these are things that can be overcome. Keep up the syringe feeding and weighing. Give him as much as he will take to get his energy back up but remember don't overload the mouth in case he inhales it and that's a whole other problem. He might want to stop after 8 or 10 ml because his tummy is literally full. If he is hungry for the food you can try leaving some in a little bowl... unless there is a greedy cage mate who will eat it! If you can get 60 ml a day into him every few hours you are doing great. If it's bloat (where they blow up like a hard barrel and get gas) you will need to drop off the veggies - but if it's dehydration, things like cucumber - especially the soft middle - is watery and can often be slurped up if cut into little bits. Did the vet mention bloat? If not and his sides feel soft I'd be tempted to try the cucumber.

Rest your fingers lightly on the bald patches behind his ears and you will feel the vibrations of him chewing the syringe food... it should be fast and smooth. If it is rough, intermittent, or uneven that will give you a clue that the problem might be in his mouth. If he seems to be chewing fast and smooth it's less likely to be teeth. But of course these can only be guesses based on my previous piggies. I'm sorry your vet couldn't give you more answers. Good luck piggy Appa x
Good news! Appa is finally eating on his own. I changed his hay and he is eating and drinking water. Poops are on the soft side and not a lot but I know it's because he needs more food in his system. Thank you all for all your help and suggestions! This forum is a Godsend as I just don't have enough experience with guinea pigs to have known what to do! God bless you all! 🙏
That’s great news that he is eating.
Make sure you continue to weigh him every day so you can monitor hay intake and continue to syringe feed him until he is eating enough hay independently to keep his weight stable
Oh well done you, and well done Appa! Keep an eye on him in the short-term with those weight checks and then you can relax a bit x
Hi All,
I'm being a little obsessive compulsive right now. Appa's poops are normal he ate well overnight and drank plenty of water. I just cleaned his cage and changed his water and added more food. I tried to give him his fiber treat and his vitamin c treat but he didn't want it and I'm feeling scared again that he may stop eating. I did syringe feed a little bit of critical care but not too much because I don't know if he is full. I also gave him his probiotic in water in a syringe. I think I might be over analyzing but I'm just so scared of a repeat performance of last week and don't want that to happen. Am I being too paranoid? I'm a first time guinea pet grandma so any other helpful advice is welcomed!
I would give him as much critical care as he will take in the sitting. How has his weight been over the last few days? If he’s not losing then that’s good.

If the problem reoccurs I would try and get him checked. Is it possible for you to borrow money from friends or relatives? Have you asked the vets whether they offer payment options?

Hope he continues to improve.
Hi All,

Appa crossed the rainbow bridge a few weeks ago. We were all devastated on the loss. He was surrounded by his family and he fought so hard to stay with us. He passed away in my arms. We miss him so much but know he is at peace and running around with the other piggies in heaven. I needed time to grief his loss which is why I never posted an update. I want to thank all of you for giving me direction as he was my first sweet little piggie and will forever be in my heart! ❤
So sorry to hear you have lost Appa. I lost both my boys over a couple of months recently and know how hard it can be.
RIP Appa 🌈❤️
I’m so sorry you lost Appa. He was much loved and knew it. I lost my piggy Percy this week so I understand how very hard it is. Maybe Appa and Percy are sharing the long green grass over the bridge. ❤️
I’m so sorry you lost Appa. He was much loved and knew it. I lost my piggy Percy this week so I understand how very hard it is. Maybe Appa and Percy are sharing the long green grass over the bridge. ❤️
I'm so sorry for your loss! It's been rough, I'm at peace knowing that he is definitely ok and in heaven. I read some books from an author that gives a biblical perspective on animals and how they do go to heaven! So yes I truly believe Appa and Percy are together over the rainbow bridge eating grass and popcorning with happiness in eternity! ❤🙏