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Not Eating Or Drinking After Car Journey

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 4, 2016
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Today my guinea pig was in a car for between an hour and a half to two hours. He was extremely restless the entire time, trying to find positions to sleep in and then instantly changing his mind. I thought perhaps heat was causing it and that once he got home he'd be calmer.

However when he got back into his cage he became very floppy and laid on his side. He also appeared to be dragging his back legs around but that stopped after a few minutes. He went to his bottle a few times to drink but kept giving up each time he lifted his head (he has a tilted head which causes him to drink in an awkward manner). I've had a fan on towards his cage, have left him completely still, put water in a bowl for him and have given him water through a syringe. He seems a little bit more active (he was cleaning himself now and then) however he still hasn't gone to drink or eat on his own and is still mostly lying down. Its been about 3 and a half hours, I've just now used a small rodent food that goes in a syringe but so far hes still laying down. I also haven't noticed him using the toilet at all. Should I be worried or should I wait until morning to begin to worry?
Just keep a really close eye on him, I don't know exactly what it is but its likely stress and dehydration. Did he get any water during the car ride? was he drinking before then? try giving him more water through the syringe, but mostly just keep a super close eye on him, hopefully hes ok! keep us updated! hopefully some of the more experienced members can give you some good advice!
Just keep a really close eye on him, I don't know exactly what it is but its likely stress and dehydration. Did he get any water during the car ride? was he drinking before then? try giving him more water through the syringe, but mostly just keep a super close eye on him, hopefully hes ok! keep us updated! hopefully some of the more experienced members can give you some good advice!

He was completely fine before the car ride. And he's been in cars before and been calm. This was the first time he was so restless. I tried to give him water in the car but he was moving too often to take any in. Thank you I will definitely try to update!
Wow! Just after posting this he started to eat the grass I had in his cage! It's very unusual for him to turn down grass haha. As for the water I will update if he starts to drink from his bottle again.
If he doesnt become more active soon, i'd have him see a vet. The stress of a car journey shouldnt do this to him, and i'd be concerned about heat stroke.

Please keep him cool, wipe a wet cloth over both sides of his ear flaps (not in his ears) and on the soles of his feet- this will speed up the loss of heat, as it will be evaporated away with the water.

Keep encouraging with syringing water, no more than 0.25ml in the mouth at the one time, make sure he is swallowing before you give him anymore.

If he isnt eating at all, he will need help- please step in with syringe feeding: Complete Syringe Feeding Guide

If he still isnt weeing or pooing at all, please have him see a vet sooner rather than later.
If he doesnt become more active soon, i'd have him see a vet. The stress of a car journey shouldnt do this to him, and i'd be concerned about heat stroke.

Please keep him cool, wipe a wet cloth over both sides of his ear flaps (not in his ears) and on the soles of his feet- this will speed up the loss of heat, as it will be evaporated away with the water.

Keep encouraging with syringing water, no more than 0.25ml in the mouth at the one time, make sure he is swallowing before you give him anymore.

If he isnt eating at all, he will need help- please step in with syringe feeding: Complete Syringe Feeding Guide

If he still isnt weeing or pooing at all, please have him see a vet sooner rather than later.

He's started to eat some pieces of grass and take a few bites of cucumber but I will give him some more syringe food. Do you think checking on him every couple hours through the night is necessary as that's something I was planning to do.

How often should I give him water in the syringe? He initially took it all but the last time I tried he would push his head away.

Thank you for the help!
Wow! Just after posting this he started to eat the grass I had in his cage! It's very unusual for him to turn down grass haha. As for the water I will update if he starts to drink from his bottle again.

its good hes eating grass! maybe try giving him a watery veggie too? like cucumber or celery? thats a good way to keep him hydrated as well, and you'll be able to see how much appetite he has. maybe try moving his water bottle down for him? if he has trouble lifting his head up so much then perhaps he can drink from it better if its lower for him.
Also, Adelle definitely had some good advice, perhaps its heat stroke or something else is wrong, if he isnt better by the morning or at least more active then I would definitely bring them to the vet

edit: its a good thing hes eating a bit of cucumber! I'm not sure how often to give him water. but maybe check on him often in the night if he is still acting strange before you go to bed, and if he still isnt drinking then make sure to give him water when you get up
its good hes eating grass! maybe try giving him a watery veggie too? like cucumber or celery? thats a good way to keep him hydrated as well, and you'll be able to see how much appetite he has. maybe try moving his water bottle down for him? if he has trouble lifting his head up so much then perhaps he can drink from it better if its lower for him.
Also, Adelle definitely had some good advice, perhaps its heat stroke or something else is wrong, if he isnt better by the morning or at least more active then I would definitely bring them to the vet

edit: its a good thing hes eating a bit of cucumber! I'm not sure how often to give him water. but maybe check on him often in the night if he is still acting strange before you go to bed, and if he still isnt drinking then make sure to give him water when you get up

He hasn't really eaten much cucumber, just a few nibbles. And he usually eats every piece of grass he can find as quickly as possible which he hasn't done. Hes actually not trying to drink from the bottle anymore, but I'm not sure if it's because he's lacking in energy or because the water I gave him was enough for now.

It's quite weird, he squirms a lot just as I'm putting him back into his cage which is what he normally does, however he's still mostly lying down. Hes also making his normal sounds opposed to his complete silence earlier. I'm not sure if he's improving or not because these signals seem mixed.

Yeah I did think perhaps heatstroke which is why I used a fan and began giving him water with a syringe but I'm sure he would have recovered from that by now.
How's the wee man now? x

He has been drinking from his bottle occasionally and just got quite excited when I gave him some grass. Hes still on the inactive side but other than that he seems okay! Thank you for your concern
His moods seem to be fluctuating. He seems to just want to lay still most of the time, and he stopped eating his grass and would only eat it if I gave it to him. I syringe-fed him again, and he's now eating hay. I'm not sure how to interpret what he's doing and if I should worry.
I would keep an eye on him for a little longer, but if he doesn't go back to acting his normal self I would personally probably take him to a vet just to get checked over. Hope he picks up soon x
I agree that he needs to be seen by a vet. Does his breathing seem laboured at all?
I've noticed that his stools appear soft and irregularly shaped. Would this be because he's been eating mostly syringe food and lots of water and mostly watery veggies, or should I be concerned of something more serious? He keeps looking at his bowl of pellets but hasn't eaten any, but all other foods are fine for him.
He obviously isnt right and, since its been quite a while now after the car journey, i would think this is now less likely to be the cause. The soft stools could be from extra veggies, but he shouldn't be off his pellets.

Have you been weighing him?
If he isnt losing weight, stop the syringe feeding. He could be getting too full and not wanting his pellets.

If he is losing weight, please have him see the vet.
He obviously isnt right and, since its been quite a while now after the car journey, i would think this is now less likely to be the cause. The soft stools could be from extra veggies, but he shouldn't be off his pellets.

Have you been weighing him?
If he isnt losing weight, stop the syringe feeding. He could be getting too full and not wanting his pellets.

If he is losing weight, please have him see the vet.

Sorry for the lack of update. He has completely recovered now and is eating his pellets without a problem. Thanks for all the advice! :)
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