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Not Eating And Heavy Breathing


New Born Pup
Mar 27, 2018
Reaction score
Hi, my name is Ellie I'm new to this forum as I am desperate for some advice about my pig Tony.

At the moment he is not eating, drinking or being his usual self. I can see him heavily breathing and don't know how to help him. He's acting very lethargic as in lying around more than usual and not being very sociable.

He has also been sneezing a bit more than usual today. I have booked an appointment with the exotic pets vet for tomorrow but what should I be doing in the mean time? I'm worried he will get worse over night
Can you see a vet tonight? He really needs to see one ASAP as he sounds very poorly indeed. It sounds like a URI you need to do 2 things firstly get him breathing easier, you can hold him in a bathroom with ten shower on to steam him. You can also use (someone please confirm) oblas oil near his cage.

Then he needs to eat an drink. Mush pellets with boiling water (allow to cool) and syringe feed him -there is a syringe feeding guide above. If he isn’t eating he needs fed every 2 hours otherwise if the URI doesn’t kill him then stasis will.
Can you see a vet tonight? He really needs to see one ASAP as he sounds very poorly indeed. It sounds like a URI you need to do 2 things firstly get him breathing easier, you can hold him in a bathroom with ten shower on to steam him. You can also use (someone please confirm) oblas oil near his cage.

Then he needs to eat an drink. Mush pellets with boiling water (allow to cool) and syringe feed him -there is a syringe feeding guide above. If he isn’t eating he needs fed every 2 hours otherwise if the URI doesn’t kill him then stasis will.

I really wish I could get him to one but my local vets don't handle guinea pigs and the exotic vets only has tomorrow free! I will try your suggestions to get him breathing and eating, thank you so much!
Please step in with syringe feeding and watering asap, but be careful to not push in more than he can swallow in one go. Stop if he is either getting to weak to really take on food or struggling well in excess to his feeble state; in both cases he is no longer able to process food.

You can try to place a bowl of steaming water next to the cage in the hope of easing his breathing a little.
Keep him as quiet and comfortable as possible. He should be kept warm, but not hot and should have the option to move away from a source of warmth if he wishes even if he is losing his strength.

Diaphragmic breathing (heaving sides breathing) usually means that either his lungs or his chest cavity is filling with fluid; it can be a sign of pneumonia or sudden acute heart failure.
In any case, it is a life or death emergency.

If you can see an out-of-hours vet (the number is usually on your regular vet's answering machine) or you can google for an out-of-hours vet service in an urban area, then please do so. It is really that important!
Please refuse any steroid injections and any penicillin based antibiotic; they are the two biggest mistakes that a vet not familiar with guinea pigs can make.

List Of Life And Death Out-of-hours Emergencies
Your piggie needs a vet ASAP ideally. I understand your concerned your normal exotics vets not in but I would consider taking him to the out of hours practice. They may be able to call for exotics advice or at least give him some oxygen if he needs it. If not have a look in your area for another piggy savvy clinic. Where abouts are you based?
Hi, my name is Ellie I'm new to this forum as I am desperate for some advice about my pig Tony.

At the moment he is not eating, drinking or being his usual self. I can see him heavily breathing and don't know how to help him. He's acting very lethargic as in lying around more than usual and not being very sociable.

He has also been sneezing a bit more than usual today. I have booked an appointment with the exotic pets vet for tomorrow but what should I be doing in the mean time? I'm worried he will get worse over night
I have the same issue with my guinea pig.
I have the same issue with my guinea pig.


Please see a vet ASAP. Your guinea pig is VERY ill with a respiratory infection.
If you have a new guinea pig, then you can reclaim the vet bill from the pet shop.
List Of Life And Death Out-of-hours Emergencies
What to check and look out for in new guinea pigs (vet checks, sexing, parasites&illness)

Please start your own thread by clicking on the large thread posting button on the right in order to avoid creating confusion about which piggy we speak and advise about on somebody else's thread.
Can you see a vet tonight? He really needs to see one ASAP as he sounds very poorly indeed. It sounds like a URI you need to do 2 things firstly get him breathing easier, you can hold him in a bathroom with ten shower on to steam him. You can also use (someone please confirm) oblas oil near his cage.

Then he needs to eat an drink. Mush pellets with boiling water (allow to cool) and syringe feed him -there is a syringe feeding guide above. If he isn’t eating he needs fed every 2 hours otherwise if the URI doesn’t kill him then stasis will.
I am trying to find the syringe feeding guide? Anyone please help
I am trying to find the syringe feeding guide? Anyone please help

You can find all emergency information and support care links (including our syringe feeding guide) when looking after a very ill or dying guinea pig via this link in my previous post.
This link also contains tips on what to be careful about when syringe feeding a very ill or dying guinea pig, including what to do if your piggy is dying before you can see a vet and when you need to stop feeding: Emergency and Bridging Care until a Vet Appointment

Please be aware that heavy breathing means that the body is straining to breathe because either the lungs or the chest cavity is filling with fluid from pneumonia or heart failure. :(

All the best!