Not drinking


Teenage Guinea Pig
Jun 8, 2021
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Has anyone found their guinea pig has stopped drinking when they've moved house? I assume it's the change in water. Nancy has IC and she would drink when in pain and that would help with a flare. She's currently having a bad flare and I think this is in part the fact she isn't drinking now.
All About Drinking And Bottles

I've added the above link in case there's anything in there that will help you.

The move has probably upset her as you say. If you haven't already try covering the cage with a towel or blanket to give her a bit of extra security.
Has anyone found their guinea pig has stopped drinking when they've moved house? I assume it's the change in water. Nancy has IC and she would drink when in pain and that would help with a flare. She's currently having a bad flare and I think this is in part the fact she isn't drinking now.


Can you offer her filtered water via syringe?

Is her companion drinking so the bottle nuzzle carries the scent of being used? It can just be the different taste of the local water if you have a picky girl.

Can you offer her filtered water via syringe?

Is her companion drinking so the bottle nuzzle carries the scent of being used? It can just be the different taste of the local water if you have a picky girl.
She won't take it from a syringe. I did water down her cystease slightly more tonight though. Her companion hardly ever drinks- possibly why she is recovering from bladder stone op. Neither have ever been big drinkers. But Nancy would normally drink when in pain which seems to help a flare up.

I do feed them watery veg a lot now, doesn't reduce how much they drink because they never drank much to begin with. They have two bowls of water. They also have two bottles, one that is hidden under a hide. Pumpkin will occasionally have a mouthful of water from the bowl but otherwise doesn't drink. Nancy will sometimes drink from both.
Try giving Nancy bottled or filtered water instead of tap water.
Has anyone found their guinea pig has stopped drinking when they've moved house? I assume it's the change in water. Nancy has IC and she would drink when in pain and that would help with a flare. She's currently having a bad flare and I think this is in part the fact she isn't drinking

Has anyone found their guinea pig has stopped drinking when they've moved house? I assume it's the change in water. Nancy has IC and she would drink when in pain and that would help with a flare. She's currently having a bad flare and I think this is in part the fact she isn't drinking now.
we moved 2 yrs.ago and just now one of my male piggies is not drinking a lot of water. so i have been giving him more green leaf lettuce which i think has more water in it, we've tried syringe but he doesn't want it either, his poops are normal.