Not Drinking Water?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 12, 2014
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Hi everyone,

So I've had my boys for about a week now and I've noticed that they haven't drank water from their bottles. There's a ball in their water bottles so I can monitor how much water is left in there but it doesn't seem to have gone down even a little. When I rinse their vegetables I don't dry them off so I know they get a bit of water from there and cucumber. They seem healthy, they've settled in really well and are pretty active, not showing signs of illness as far as I can see... Should I be worried? Before I got them, they had bottles in their old home but I offered a bowl of water anyways, which they didn't touch.
Some guinea pigs do not seem to drink much water. Keep replacing it everyday still. Have you thought about putting a piece of vegetable in the water bowl to encourage them? This worked with my pigs. If that does not work then not to worry as they are getting water from their vegetables.
Mine hardly drink anything, it's quite common amongst pigs as they get a lot of fluids from their veg. I like the veg in the water idea, it's a good tip, not one i've heard before. I'll be keeping that one stored away for if I ever get one that is a fussy drinker.
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