Not Bonding GP


New Born Pup
Mar 11, 2024
Reaction score
Big Lake MN
I have two boars, a black one that’s 5 years, and a brown one that’s 1 year. Before I got the brown one, I had a white on that was bonded to my black one. Unfortunately, my white one passed away last week and I decided to rescue my brown one yesterday. Last night when they were introduced the first time (after letting them see eachother through mesh and spreading their scents). I introduced them in an area of the house that the black one has never been so he wouldn’t be territorial. They were showing regular signs of dominance but then it got a little more aggressive so I separated them and tried again after like an hour in the same spot. This time the brown one was obviously showing submissive signs and didn’t fight back whatsoever. I still kept them separated last night when I slept because i didn’t know how they would do in a cage setting. Today I now had them interacting outside the cage where they had more room to roam. This time, brown was still submissive but fought back here and there but ultimately gave in to the black one being dominant. I finally decided to put them in the cage together (it’s probably 9 sq/ft.) The brown one was being submissive again and running away from the black one. Although, the broke out into a huge fight all of a sudden to the point that I had to throw a towel in between them because I didn’t want them to get hurt. They continue to teeth chatter even when separated. I understand that it takes a while for guinea pigs to settle but I am more worried about one of them getting hurt because the fighting gets too aggressive. I will be keeping both of them obviously but I want to know if it’s a lost cause because they fight so much and aggressively or if there’s any tips to make them bond easier? I would attach a video but I can’t seem to get it to work.
Welcome to the forum. Glad you found it 😉 Just giving you my support, but I’m sure someone will be on soon to provide you with some advice. 😊
I’m sorry to hear this.

Was the cage thoroughly cleaned out so it was also neutral?
While character incompatibility is the main reason piggies fight, the other issue is that 9 square feet isn’t actually big enough for two boars. Boars really need 12 square feet otherwise they can feel a bit too cramped - they need a lot of territory each.

Ultimately though as a fight has occurred, it means they will never bond as they are not compatible. You should not put them in the same space again.
They will need to live side by side in separate cages permanently.

I’m sorry it hasn’t worked out
Hello and welcome to the forum. I hope they want to be together. If not they can live happily as neighbours with interaction through the bars.