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Nose whistle?


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 31, 2022
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Hi guys, another one of my paranoid thoughts with my piggies. My piggy Bear has had this nose whistle for a few months.
(Video attached below)

I can’t remember if he’s had it forever, because i just noticed it a few months ago. My hearing is bad so I’m not sure how long he really has had it. The vet said he probably just has allergies, maybe with the hay, but then wouldn’t both of my guineas have it since they eat the same hay? They both have fleece liners. I’m not sure if he makes this noise in his enclosure because i can’t hear lol but from what i can tell i don’t hear it when not holding him. It’s almost like he’s just sniffing around but idk please let me know what you think!
True allergies are very rare in guinea pigs. They can have sensitivities though.
Piggies have narrow airways and generally a nasal whistle or hooting is due to hay dust in the airways. Usually a good sneeze will clear it out.
If it has been checked by a vet and he is maintaining his weight then chances are it is just a narrow airway.

Our Lucy had a nose whistle her entire life and was checked by 2 vets, who both concluded she had a particularly narrow nasal passage o the left side.
It never caused her any problems.
If it has been checked by a vet and he is maintaining his weight then chances are it is just a narrow airway.

Our Lucy had a nose whistle her entire life and was checked by 2 vets, who both concluded she had a particularly narrow nasal passage o the left side.
It never caused her any problems.
This is probably it! The vet said he is at a good weight and his lungs are clear. He was treated for a URI a few months ago only because he was sneezing. I really wasn’t sure if it’s possible for them just to have a nose whistle randomly lol. Thanks so much for answering :) his nose whistle is cute tho it sounds like a mouse or something lol just wanted to make sure I’m not saying something is cute when it’s a health issue lol
True allergies are very rare in guinea pigs. They can have sensitivities though.
Piggies have narrow airways and generally a nasal whistle or hooting is due to hay dust in the airways. Usually a good sneeze will clear it out.
Ahh see this is why i have a hard time trusting vets, and i post on here for opinions. (I know i can’t just rely on advice here, and not go to the vet) He never told me it’s rare, he said if he has a nose whistle it could be chronic allergies. I guess I’ll show him the video next vet trip just to be sure, because just to show him a video and ask a question will be atleast $100 out here, not counting any medicines provided after. And that’s just for one piggy! Insane. So I am very grateful i found this forum haha.