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Nose and Eye discharge


Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 2, 2019
Reaction score
I have had my guinea pigs for just over a year.

One of my guinea pigs has had an eye discharge since last Friday so I took him to the vets and they told me his chest is clear and sent me away with eye drops. He has not really got much better and now has discharge on his nose, what shall I do?

I am worried in case it is a URI but they said his chest was clear... I used to put dust extracted woodshavings in the cage but have recently switched to newspaper in case it was that. Any tips or advice on what I can do? He's eating the same but he has become quite shy and not moving around a lot with my other guinea pig.
I would call the vets and ask for advice or just book him back in for another appointment as soon as you can. Any nasal discharge needs to be seen by a vet. Please let us know how you get on.

Thank you both for your quick responses!

I go to Vets4Pets as I am new to guinea pigs and all the recommended vets listed on here are over an hour away from me.

He has always sneezed on and off and been very healthy which is why we changed to shredded newspaper for bedding - any other advice on bedding as I do want them to be warm?

I also deliberately asked the vet about his breathing but he was insistent it was clear.

Does discharge on eyes and nose always mean URI?

I will send some pictures soon - currently at work! :)
My little one passed the rainbow bridge tonight 🌈🧡

When I came home from work and he was on his side twitching. We took him to an emergency vets and they said he was in a really bad way and said it was only a matter of time before he died so we put him down to save him from struggling even more.

After inspection they said it was an aggressive cancer which apparently can develop quick and said his eye and nose must have been side effects from him deteriorating ☹️

It’s been a really tough night but thank you for your responses and advice. As we only had two guinea pigs does anyone have any advice on what we can do to help the other grieve a little and what’s best to do next?

Thank you all in advance and RIP to my baby peanut he was only one 😞❤️


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So sorry for your loss. It sounds as if there was nothing you or your vet could have done. Peanut is now out of pain and is popcorning and making new friends at the Rainbow Bridge.
So sorry for your loss. It sounds as if there was nothing you or your vet could have done. Peanut is now out of pain and is popcorning and making new friends at the Rainbow Bridge.
Thank you! I hope he is❤️
Oh my word. I’m so very sorry. What a shock for you. Popcorn free little one
Thank you - and thank you for your earlier advice it is much appreciated especially since I am new to the forum
I am so very sorry to hear this.
It does sound as if nothing could have been done for your cute boy.
Now you need to look after yourself, allow yourself time to grieve and remember we are here to support you.
Be gentle with yourself.
When you feel ready why not post a tribute to Peanut on the Rainbow Bridge thread?
Thank you all for your kindness and advice, I will definitely post to tribute him he was so loved! just need some time for it to settle in to our family and our other guinea pig cookie ❤️❤️❤️