Normal poops = healthy?

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Dec 25, 2010
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Hi just a simple question here - are piggies considered healthy as long as they have healthy poops?
My Boomy and Junior have been acting a little weird but their poops are normal.
Wondering if its just them moodless or its time to take them for a checkup :...
normal poops, eating normally and drinking normally. and acting normal is usually classed as a healthy piggy.
Please weigh your piggies weekly and give them a little onceover; some illnesses can come with a piggy looking like normal on first sight - an that includes the consistency of the poos!

Check the head - mouth, eyes, ears, feet, privates and (with boys the grease gland), condition of the skin/signs of baldness. the more fmailiar you are with your piggies, the easier it is to spot the often sublte signs of something not being right.
Early signs of illness:
I'm not very sure whether some parts of Boomy are balding or not because her parting (she's a peruvian) is not consistent.
So far from what I see, they have been eating normally but Junior is having some weird noises and I remember her sneezing a bit a few days ago; wondering if she's having a flu or something or its just her talking, cause its not common to hear that sound from her ?/
Just wait and see - URI is usually a raspy, crackling sound.

The abys and perus can look a bit bald in certain places, but it is just the way their hair falls.

PS: I have also written a thread about little piggy body quirks which lists the things newbies can panic over. Like the other threads it is in our rather useful reference section. That can also help you to figure out what is normal and what not.
Thanks :) I do hope they're healthy and just being moodless piggies?/
So I must still look out for them even if their poops are perfectly fine?
Just wanna make sure I'm doing Things right
Yes, poops are only part of the picture - they cover the digestive part (diarrhea/dehydration), but not other illnesses like quite common skin problems (especially mites) or fungal problems, respiratory infections (URI) or urinary tract infections (UTI), back tooth problems, heart problems etc... :{
Healthy poos just mean a healthy/active digestive tract, only a small part of your piggies body. So the answer is no. Piggies can be ill in many ways, from skin issues, teeth, bladder problems, neurological issues which all could still have a healthy digestive system.

It depends what you mean by weird TBH. Yes eating, drinking and pooping are always good signs, but a lot of piggies show very few outward signs of illness until it gets really bad. Good size/shape/consistency poops in large numbers are a good sign but it's not the only thing. What is weird behaviour in this case?
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