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Normal pee


New Born Pup
Mar 2, 2025
Reaction score
Hi! I'm new to raising pigs! I just got 2 females and I'm worried about their pee. One of them it's peeing an yellow milky pee and i also found some white spots during their cage cleaning.
Since i got them i only feed then with hay, pallets (1 tablespoon each), and some vegatables (pepper, cocumber, pumpkin and chicory)
Welcome to the forum, cherryg!
I'll let somebody more experienced answer your questions! Most forum mbrs are in Britain and probably asleep in bed (as I should be), so you'll probably get answers tomorrow rather than the next few hours.
Welcome to the forum

Normal pee ranges in colour.

White spots are calcium deposits. It is the normal way for the body to excrete excess calcium.
If it happen a lot or is the spots feel gritty then there may be an imbalance in the diet.
Most calcium comes into the diet via pellets and water so ensuring pellets are kept limited and water filtered is the best way of keeping calcium down. However it is about finding the right
balance because a diet too low in calcium is just as bad as one which is too high and will also cause white spots.

What I would say is that pumpkin and chicory are not vegetables which should be fed every day.
The four safe veggies you can give everyday are lettuce, cucumber, bell pepper and cilantro.
Everything else should be fed in moderation and rotation - some things cannot be fed more than once a week.
