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Noisy Breathing f10 Antiseptuc Nebuliser


Forum Donator 2023/24
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
The Wirral and Liverpool (Uni)
Hi all!

Just wanted to ask if anyone has had a similar experience of their URI piggies having heavy snotty loud breathing when first being nebulised with f10? And if so how long did it take to settle down?
I used a nebuliser with various substances including f10, with Zebedee. I kind of assumed that there would be some snotty breathing as the nebulising is meant to loosen the mucus in the airways, though in his case his breathing wasn't that noticeable.
Yes mine have always sounded worse before they got better. The vet told me it's normal, I can't remember how long it lasted. If you are worried I would give the vet a ring and ask. The receptionists at my vets are very good at asking for me and ringing me back.