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May 14, 2009
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Wigan, North West England
I have four girls living together and all get on fine. There is an obvious dominance belonging to Blossom as she is always the one to get the food first and go where she wants, when she wants.

But, i have noticed, with 2 out of the other 3 pigs that they somehow sniff her neck? While they do this Blossom lifts up her head so they can do this easily and while doing so makes a rumbling/pigeon sort of noise.

Is this a good noise/bad noise? She does the same noise when i also tickle her neck and I'm sure if she didnt like it she would bite me or move my finger away like the other 3 girls do.

Is the noise a dominance noise or something? They never fight and the only telling off between the girls is when one is in season which is understandable.

Different sites i have looked up about noises seem to say different things. Just thought id find out peoples opinions.

Thanks x
i know if ours are chasing each other round pen and basil will stop suddenly and start rumbling at freddie
In this house and among our friends we call it 'chin chin'. The dominant sow will raise her head up and sometimes rumble/purr simply to be dominant. It's amusing when another sow decides to challenge and both of them end up practically on tiptoes at the front, stretching their necks up and going 'chin chin'. My friends recognise it as a dominance move and we do it too in fun during conversation, like the bottom wiggling rumble of 'hey that's mine get off'.

If she's doing it while being cuddled then she's trying to dominate you! Just fondle her ears, study them or clean them with a finger, for a bit - then you'll be back to being 'Mummy' pig and dominant again!

Only one of my piggies likes to have under her chin stroked, the other three let you know they don't. And the one who likes it, stretching her head up for strokes, the dominant one!
Sarah has said it all - Blossom is obviously one of the more forceful personalities and trying out how far she can go with you! Which is a good sign, as it means that she's completely setled and happy where she is.

But better nip it in the bud and show her that you are "superpig". Go for her ears. You can pull them gently between your fingers or nuzzle the inside like a dominant piggie would.
Oh i see, so me tickling her neck is giving her the wrong signals and showing her that she is the boss not me? I never knew this before i just thought she did it because she liked it really lol

So would you suggest i stop tickling her chin so she doesn't think anything more of it?

Sarah, i too have witnessed the tip-toe thing and it is quite funny to watch i agree! I also like the "chin-chin" name lol

So, would you say when the other pigs do it to her, they are challenging her dominance or sort of "worshiping" her dominance? Mainly it is only Blossom who is hon her toes and the others just happy to sniff or whatever they do to her neck but stay fully on all fours. If you picture what i mean?

If another piggie does the 'chin chin' thing to Blossom then they are challenging could be over a nice bit of food that Blossom attempts to take away, or if they are in season, or simply if Blossom is sleeping on their favourite piece of hutch, or just because there's a 'y' in the usually means nothing, just 'chin chin' for a bit and then all is settled again. The lower piggies generally challenge in this mild manner every now and then just to keep the dominant piggie on their toes (I wonder if that's where the expression comes from?).

Go on tickling her chin by all means if she likes it, you can tell if she is actually enjoying it or simply being 'dominant', just make sure you follow up afterwards with the 'ear' attention! Body language is crucial to piggies, you have to use theirs really to get through to them properly. I forgot to say - cleaning her ear with a tissue isn't body language, you have to get your own fingers into play because then her ear will smell of you too!
Yeah, I'd say keep tickling. Unlike dogs, who can be hard to handle if they're dominant over you, you're hardly going to have problems with a bossy guinea pig :))
ahhh... my two do this as well! i did wonder about that. they both seem to be as stubborn as one another, there doesnt appear to be one who wins the chin chin wars more often than the other! they chase each other round bickering like old women, but again, they seem to take it in turns!
What does it mean when one of my girls licks the others closed eyes and in her ears ?The recipient seems to enjoy the proceedure.She also licks my hands and fingers,but i suppose that's to get the salt.
What does it mean when one of my girls licks the others closed eyes and in her ears ?The recipient seems to enjoy the proceedure.She also licks my hands and fingers,but i suppose that's to get the salt.

yeap salt with us but just normal grooming towards the other pigs.

the rumbling made when you are giving Blossom a fuss I wouldnt say is her trying to dominate you but it means shes enjoying it, like when a cat purrs as there is 3 differnt rumbling noisies really, one is a domanace noise made to other pigs while moving from side to side to say that that pig is the domanant one, another is made when males are in with the female then you get one which is a happy purr when they are getting a fuss off us.
None of mine have ever purred, they rumble if you stroke them backwards but that's because they hate it :)) I didn't know the head lifting thing was the dominant one, that messes up who i thought were my dominant sows! My male and female pair never do any of the rumbling sounds or head lifting but they clean each other all the time bless them, they might have an equal relationship :)) x
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