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Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 9, 2014
Reaction score
Hi everyone! Haven't been on in a while been really busy. So I was siting watching tv n one of my girls started tweeting like a bird, apprently it means she's really happy and it's a very rare occasion for anyone to hear it. It won't let me put on the video but has anyone experienced this? :)
Hi everyone! Haven't been on in a while been really busy. So I was siting watching tv n one of my girls started tweeting like a bird, apprently it means she's really happy and it's a very rare occasion for anyone to hear it. It won't let me put on the video but has anyone experienced this? :)

Opinions are divided as to what chirping actually means. It can also express uneasiness and a replay may send your other piggies into cover while in some situations they are quiet, but not too bothered. My Heulwen is my own residential chirper.

You can find some audio samples of chirping in this link here: Guinea Pig Sounds
If I can add my own query, I have two boars who get along well but when they are having floor time, Archie will make what I can only describe as a helicopter noise! Both boys will be constantly chup chupping and mumbling so they seem happy enough. This doesn't really happen in their cage, so am I right in thinking maybe this is just Archie reasserting his dominance in a new place with lots of new toys, to make it clear he's still in charge?
I've heard chirping rarely from Linney and Sundae... never heard it from Frenzy and so far not from Hadley. I did manage to get it on tape at one point... at first I thought a bird was stuck in the chimney! From what I have read, the verdict is still out on what exactly it means, though the other pig did stop and pay attention so it must have meant something to them!
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