No Squeaking

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New Born Pup
May 11, 2015
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I have 2 guinea pigs that are nearly 4 years old, they have never squeaked and just wondering if this is normal, my other 2 which I had a few years before did occasionally but these 2, I have never heard
We once had a guinea pig who we nicknamed "the silent squeaker"! Only ever heard her squeak on one occasion, and even then it was very quiet!

I think it's the same as with humans - some piggies don't say much, and with others, you can't get a word in edgeways!
Some piggies are very quiet whereas others only shut up when they are fast asleep. Nothing to worry about. Older guinea pigs are generally quieter than lively youngsters anyway.
My Sven-Erik (long-haired) is silent. We've recieved him like this and he is healthy, energetic otherwise. The poor sounds like his gasping for air each time the fridge opens or he hears chopping sounds hehe he's really quiet apart from that. Nils-Olof is extremely verbal, he makes noises on behalf of the two! ☺️
Some pigs are really loud, some pigs are really quiet. I've had both. As long as they are fine and health otherwise, I wouldn't worry about it. I also wouldn't worry if it was consistent behavior, but would worry if a noisy pig suddenly becomes quiet, as that could be a sign of pain or illness.

Out of the two I have now, both are loud... Hadley is quite the wheeker about everything. Sundae doesn't wheek as much, but she 'talks' when you pat her to the point that I will have to turn up the volume on the tv. She has a very distinctive voice... it sounds like someone rubbing a balloon with sweaty hands! LOL! Our previous pig, Linney, was extremely quiet, so my poor husband is still getting used to Hadley. I think my neighbours can probably hear Hadley sometimes! LOL!
I have one very quiet pair and one pair who wheek, squeak, rumble and generally shout at full volume. Both pairs are healthy and happy. I think it's like humans -some people talk for England and others just sit and nod.
I had a pair of guinea pigs where one was near silent and the other would only squeak when separated from his friend (he didn't like being without him for more than about five minutes). Other than that, they were pretty quiet, but they were healthy and happy enough. =)
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