No hay for four days


New Born Pup
Oct 29, 2021
Reaction score

I just got home from a long weekend away and my neighbour was popping in and looking after my pigs for me. I had been over what daily care they need and wrote a list, but somehow it appears they weren’t given any fresh hay for the entire weekend. I don’t know what happened or what misunderstanding occurred - I can see they had plenty of fresh water and their daily veggies and dry pellets but it looks like the only hay they had was the huge pile I put in on Friday morning before I left which was almost completely gone by the time I got back today.

I’ve obviously topped them up now and they both seem perfectly well in themselves - immediately ran over to start munching happily! There are plenty of poops in the cage too, normal consistency. Is there anything else I need to keep an eye on or any alterations to their diet I should make over the next few days to make up for this? Like I said, they seem fine but I feel so bad that they were left without all weekend 😭
Just make sure they have plenty of hay. It may also be a good idea to do a few extra weight checks just to be sure things are stable
:agr: Just give them loads of hay over the next couple of days and keep an eye on their weight.
Thank you everybody for the reassurance! I spoke to the neighbour who didn't realise they needed quite so much hay and had just been giving small amounts which the pigs must have been munching through straight away. I'm glad they had something but I still feel bad that my instructions weren't clearer, but it's a huge relief to know they're most likely fine. I'll monitor their weight to make extra sure, but they're loving the huge hay piles I've given them tonight to make up for it which eases the guilt I was feeling just a little bit.