no fights but no cuddles either

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Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 21, 2012
Reaction score
USA Missouri
My two girls get along just ok. They came together, don't know if theft are siblings. They are about 5 months old and I've had them almost a month. One is still very timid and sits hiding all the time but she is the dominant sow. The other (Penny) is becomming more social with me but the other piggie doesn't give her the time of day and won't sit near her. They don't talk much. Penny walks around and explores more as well. My question my more social Penny piggie lonely? She tries to get my attention and then just makes eye contact with me and silently moves her mouth like she is trying to talk. It seems a little sad.
She's getting your attention and chatting to you :)
My girls will make movements with their mouth and usually slightly grind their toofies, this to me means they want some food! so i obey of course :)
My girls are sisters..... when they were little they were inseparable but then thru their teens they'd be very happy to not sleep together or anything, now they're nearly 3 they are more often now to be found sleeping near each other :)
They probably chat away to each other whilst you're not around :))
I have three and I am always worried that one might feel left out (threes a crowd and all that), but they seem to change their mind about who to snuggle with, sometimes they are on their own and sometimes snuggled up in different pairs or all three together. I have differences in their interaction with me as well, Sophie is still after nearly 3 years of living with me very very nervous of people, where as Mdluli whom she came with is very very friendly and runs up and chats to anyone and Nala who isnt even a year old yet is just as friendly with me, but more timid around other people. I think pigs are like people, they have different personalities :)
Some piggies are snugglier than others, but it doesn't necessarily impact on how deeply bonded they are. Whether they do or not depends more on whether the dominant girl is a snuggler or not and how relaxed she is in her position.

Give your timid girl time to come out of her shell. Try to lure her out to feed from your hand etc. Have you got two hideys?
Yep,I have several hidey spots. The timid one will sometimes eat from my hand. She also turns into a noodle when you hold her and seems to be relaxed, or soscared she cannot move. Hard to tell the difference, whereas the one that is more social in their cage hates being held and is very squirmy. They are very ying and Yang.
When we bought Gladys and Gloria they were the same age but not proper sisters. They were always cuddled up together at the time, then they started sleeping apart or doing their own thing sometimes but other times they'd cuddle up close again. I think, like us humans, they sometimes like a bit of space to themselves, but that won't mean that they're not deeply bonded.x
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