No Access To Grass Anymore!

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Forum Donator 2022/23
Jul 21, 2013
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Haven't been on in ages but hi everyone! Wasn't too sure where to post this!
My piggies are both indoor pigs as were my last boys. I have a shared garden which recently had some work done in it, meaning I no longer have access to grass (very annoying as we weren't told what'd be done and I've still got a load of bird feeders in grassy area! They've just built a wall to block off steps to grass!). My previous beloved piggies could go out in their run but now my 'new' piggies won't be able to and a bit worried this could cause problems (lack of sunshine etc?). I'll be able to pick grass locally and have been feeding my mum's lovely grass in the last few weeks after a visit.
But do I need to supplement my babies?
Thanks for any advice!

Must add that they did get out for run time after I adopted them last summer while weather was still good, which is why I'm feeling bad they had some nice grass time living with me before!
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Piggies can manage just fine without grass. A good quality pellet and a good selection of veg, along with unlimited hay, will make them very happy piggies! Just a quick word of warning (which I'm sure you're already well aware) - be careful where you pick any grass outside of your own garden. It's difficult to be certain that the grass will be free from any weed-killer, or other dangerous products.

As for the lack of sunshine, if they are in a room with lots of natural light then that will be fine too. A safe area to run around the flat for their 'floor time' will provide them with a welcome change from their cages.
you can buy big trays in b&m dirt cheap and grow them some grass indoors. If the tray is big enough they can go on that
OUCH! Not nice if it happens without consultation in a shared area.

You can always grow cut-and-grow grass on seed trays or in windowsill boxes, which you can switch around. Have you lost access to the whole garden or just part of it? it would be good if your piggies had some access to direct sun and fresh air, but that can happen inside the flat.
Great, thanks so much for reply. They get stacks of floor time with far too many toys and tubes so the bonkers pair aren't stuck in cage all day!
Just always think of piggies on grass so felt like could be depriving them! And thought had read about lack of sunshine and Vit. D but probably dreamt it!
Have never picked any grass other than my mums before, would worry too much I think! Hers is lovely and plenty of juicy dandelions so my babies also get those occasionally!
Sorry just saw other replies! Will definitely get growing some indoors as also have a giant African land snail that loves a slime and munch on grass too!
We've still got a large patio area with washing lines. Do piggies actually like walking on concrete etc or would it upset their little feet?
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