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Mar 12, 2012
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My own little world
Ha ha, never thought I'd post that on the internet :)

So relieved this evening, i finally worked out that the thing I was worried about being a skin tag/weird conical lump/other medical issue is actually a guinea pig nipple :)

Indentifying this fact was made very difficult by my wriggly longish haired girlies who do not yet enjoy being handled so I'd only ever spotted one dark object in the upper groin on Cinnamon a couple of days ago in between her valiant attempts to escape me. Spotting one on the other side this evening on Poppy made it all click!

I was a little anxious typing the words 'guinea pig nipple' into google!

One relieved if slightly idiotic owner ")
It is nothing to be embarrassed about. We do not know these things when we are new to guinea pigs. It is good you now know and have nothing to worry about.
hehehehe :)) I love seeing more people figure this one out. I had two girls initially and when I got a male I had to do a double take as I didn't realise male guinea pigs have nipples too lol
My guinea pig has a visible belly button... for the first month of his time with us he was "three nipples"

You have nothing to be embarassed about ;) :))
Be consoled that you are not the first member on here - in one form or other, we have all made our own discoveries at some point or other!

Here is a thread that lists guinea pig quirks for newbies that you may find helpful:

Please do not hesitate to ask any questions you may have; we have a welter of information and experience on here.
:(|) I was worried when I discovered piggy nipples too :red I had to look it up. Deffo not alone lol
Wonder if it sets any alarm bells ringing at "Google HQ" When all these people start googling Piggy nipples? :(|)
Awww bless :)) that's quite sweet actually, knowing how it feels too!

I don't really know how I found out about piggy nipples and things like that, but I still have the guinea-pig book from when I got my first pig Pepper when I was 9 so it might have been from there. I was more confused about males having nipples lol gotta love evolution :p
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