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Nipple Care

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Nicola McGregor

Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Recently when checking my 3 Guinea Pigs over I found a dark flaky substance on my finger. That finger when holding the guinea pig was on the nipple are. I checked all 3 of them and they all had it. We give them baths when they get themselves dirty ( they are currently clean ). I'm not sure if this is dirt or could be dry skin coming off. I have never seen this before with them. Could someone please tell me what this is!
It could be some exudate build-up. Are your piggies boys or girls and what age are they?
I am not quite sure what it could be as the ages of the sows vary quite a bit. If you are worried and in doubt, please see a vet. Adult soes can have hormonal issues, but they manifest as a crust on the nipples, and it is not all sows at the same time.
I am not quite sure what it could be as the ages of the sows vary quite a bit. If you are worried and in doubt, please see a vet. Adult soes can have hormonal issues, but they manifest as a crust on the nipples, and it is not all sows at the same time.
Thank you
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