Hiya i know with my benson who is a shy and quiet pig, it's definitely all in calm and confident handling. He has bitten everyone in our family except my son and me.
The first thing is to work out how to lift a shy pig from the cage calmly. If it's been stressed by being chased all over the place, it's going to associate you with bad times before lap time even begins. A good cage design helps. With benson, a crackle of a plastic bag made him dash up into the hay loft as he thought veg on the way. Then it was simply a case of lifting him from a cage corner.
When i lift him, i always put him on the crook of my arm, with his mouth facing the inside of my elbow. Not only is he secure there, it meant i was protected from bites as long as i had long sleeves.
Benson likes to run up my son's jumper and be petted covered up. he often goes to sleep there.
I prefer to have him on my lap. He's happy there too.
Benson is now 4 and has never bitten me. I'm confident he won't as we have a routine and i think he knows me. In fact, i no longer need to tempt him with a crackly plastic bag, he just sits and waits to be picked up.
He has bitten my friend, my husband and my 8 year old. And i know why. Too sudden movements. I keep saying benson is the quiet pig. Sudden loud noise and movement scare him.
Stan (who sadly died) was a very confident pig and had a very alarming way of alerting people to his toilet needs: he'd be sitting tweeting away on your lap, then he'd turn and quickly dash right up your chest to your face! He never really bit anyone - except my husband who once failed to recognise his toilet communication and got bitten right on the neck! The description from my man was that "stan just turned on me and lunged for my neck! !"
So - i don't know if you can transfer any of that to your pigs at all but I'm sure that the keys are calm cage pick up (there's useful info on this site about herding them into hideys and lifting them easily)
Quiet and calm handling. Keep voices low and try to stick to a routine initially. For example benson knows that my son always settles on a chair, lifts his jumper and benson snuggles up there. My son never does any different. Slow and gentle is the way. Good luck!