
Blitzen was Mr Grumpy, Comet was Mr Noisy.

Camowen was a noisy goblin and also The Delinquent.

Bann is a goblin, and also The Hooligan (although he's settling down in his old age).

Mourne is also a goblin, Mr Chatterbox, the Hay Thief, and "for crying out loud not again"
Dignified Sir George is Your Lordship, Georgie Porgie or Big Handsome Bear.
Mischievous Master Boris is, Piggy Kruger, Pretty Boy and a rude word (in the UK) that begins with S and rhymes with hunky.
When they met Sir George was repeatedly VERY enthusiastic with his greeting. After a wet wipe was applied to the poor little boy for the third time, hubby started calling him that and it stuck (pardon the pun)
No guinea pigs were harmed in that bonding. Master Boris didn't take much notice after the second hump!
Hector & Hamish were H&H.
Hamish was often Mish, mash!
Billy-Silly Billy, little s***, this was affectionate as he did very little poops!
Wally- Wal, Waldo, poo monster.
Loki- I did call him Yogi bear this week!
(Also called him Lyle a couple of times.)
Majora(cat): Booboo, Booboos. -Don't know why, but we call her Booboos more than Majora :xd:

Stanley(cat): Tanny

Gus(cat): Beeb

Dakota(dog): Dakoters

And I always call my piggies my babies :luv:
At the moment they seem to be the following, although I do seem to change them without realising sometimes.
Red = Reddy
Brillo = Brilly Willy
Bertie = Bertie Boo
Duck = Ducky Doo
Freddie = Freddie Froo
Timmy = Timmy Too

Fizz and Fuzz are sometimes Ping and Pong when they are bouncing off the walls of the cage with their exuberant zoomies!
My late pigs had some nicknames but the ones I've got now goes as follows

Wig- big wig wig

Jimin- big boy

Evie-miss Evie weevie

Mop- either mop mop mop or mopsy moo

And I've got fake blackie and fake cheesy but I just call them by their names.
I might add,I had 2 piggies,one I called blackie and the other one came with the name cheese and these 2 slightly remind me of them.Also I'm rubbish at naming females lol.
My late Biscuit was always Bikkie
I went through a phase of calling Toffee 'Climber' after being shocked at seeing him on top of his carrot cottage, but now it's usually just Toff.
I often address Spice as 'My little spice girl' or just 'Spicey'
Collectively, when speaking to them it's: Little Ones or Littlies or Pigglies.