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May 25, 2010
Reaction score
Wednesbury, West Midlands

We have two new pigs, about 10wks old now. Both males. One for me and one for my daughter. My daughters pig nibbles her and shes got quite upset...any ideas? Is it just part of him being so young?

the other is quite the opposite rolleyes

also, they have got very picky about the fresh food, they seem to "hold out" for dandelions?
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Nibbling is pretty normal for that age - they are busy exploring!

Guinea pigs can't vomit, so they have to be very careful to taste what they eat before they swallow - once the poison is in, it's in!

I would serve dandelions only as a part of the usual veg. They are not good in huge quantities as they are diuretic and quite high in calcium. Make sure that the boys do drink and that the dandelion only comes from places where dogs haven't been able to pee on. That piggies prefer fresh grass and dandies to their usual veg is a normal phenomenon. Just stay hard to their begging (not easy, I know) and leave them to their normal veg - once they are hungry enough, they'll eat them.
Aaaah, I did wonder why they seem to bite at new foods once...think about it and then eat it. Testing for poison...I do this when my other half has something yummy, I have to test one for poison :)
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