Nibbling Boys

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 14, 2015
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Hey, my 2 boys are now 3 months and a week old, and laptime is almost impossible. I take them on my lap with a towel, I'll give them veggies and when they're all gone, they'll get restless and start biting on my hands and/or everything else. About a month ago they would get really comfy on my lap, stretch out their legs and let me pet them, but now nothing.
Is it because they're in their 'hormonal stage'? Or I'm doing something wrong. Should I continue trying or..?
I know every piggy is different and some piggies don't like laptime, but since both of mine are acting exactly the same, I'm a bit confused. :))
Hey, my 2 boys are now 3 months and a week old, and laptime is almost impossible. I take them on my lap with a towel, I'll give them veggies and when they're all gone, they'll get restless and start biting on my hands and/or everything else. About a month ago they would get really comfy on my lap, stretch out their legs and let me pet them, but now nothing.
Is it because they're in their 'hormonal stage'? Or I'm doing something wrong. Should I continue trying or..?
I know every piggy is different and some piggies don't like laptime, but since both of mine are acting exactly the same, I'm a bit confused. :))

Your boys have obviously settled in and are exploring hoe far they can push you. I would recommend to assert your dominance, but then temper it by telling them how much you love them. that should do the trick. just gently poo poo on behaviours you not like and praise them on "good" behaviours. Once you have re-established your authority, they should stop with the tweaking.
Here are tips for how you use guinea pig body language: How To Understand Guinea Pig Instincts And Speak Piggy Body Language
Your boys have obviously settled in and are exploring hoe far they can push you. I would recommend to assert your dominance, but then temper it by telling them how much you love them. that should do the trick. just gently poo poo on behaviours you not like and praise them on "good" behaviours. Once you have re-established your authority, they should stop with the tweaking.
Here are tips for how you use guinea pig body language: How To Understand Guinea Pig Instincts And Speak Piggy Body Language
Oh, okay haha, thank you! :)
Wiebke has given you some of the best advice and her thread is superb. I've been having to resort to some of these techniques myself with our latest adoptee who decided to nip me each time I put my hand in her cage. We are slowly but surely teaching her that she is subordinate to us in dominance and it is working! She gets lots of chin rubs when she has been a good girl.
Wiebke has given you some of the best advice and her thread is superb. I've been having to resort to some of these techniques myself with our latest adoptee who decided to nip me each time I put my hand in her cage. We are slowly but surely teaching her that she is subordinate to us in dominance and it is working! She gets lots of chin rubs when she has been a good girl.
Yes, I'm very thankful for every help. :) I'll try these things for sure. :)
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