Thanks! Yep, it is a very quick thing just to snap the photos. Usually the items just rest on top of him instead of him actually being strapped into anything so he can get out of them whenever he wants.What a cutie! In the photos he doesn't seem to mind the hats. I wouldn't personally put any clothing or hats on my piggies but I think its really cute to see what people come up with. I would never recommend they keep them on for over 2-3 minutes though.
Thanks and haha no we don't have geese. Believe it or not, there are these statue geese that come in seasonal outfits so we use those on Nibbley. My mom loves those type of knick-knack things.Geese decorations? Do you have some geese you dress up? I would love to see that, I love geese
Nibbley is adorable!