Nibble Sticks - Are These Ok?

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Adele waters

Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 22, 2014
Reaction score
UK - Nottinghamshire
I brought some flavoured nibbled sticks online for my guinea pigs, but not realising that on the packaging it says for - mice, rats, gerbils and hamsters.

Will these be ok for guinea pugs :/


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You may find that your piggies are not very interested. Have a look at our toy thread at the top of the Daily Care section for ideas - thankfully, the biggest hits are free or very cheap, like hay filled toilet roll inners or brown paper bags!

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PS2: With members from all over the world, we are grateful if you added your country, state (US/Aus) or county/general area to your details, so we can give you the appropriate advice, links and - if possible - local recommendations straight away. As you can imagine, that can vary quite a bit! Click on your name on the top bar, then go to personal details/location.
Hay filled toilet rolls are always a hit with ours, sticks and a willow ball got ignored lol
ditto that. Mine love paper bags and shoe boxes too stuffed with goodies.
Yep loo rolls and paper bags with ours too, aswell as a huge pile of hay to dive in.
I've already got a loo roll as my brother gave me that idea from doing it with his rabbit :DD But never thought of putting hay inside. - Great idea! Given the sticks to my sisters hamster :)
If you really want fun, you put hay filled toilet rolls on a string, so they hang just within reach of your piggies! ;)
They should be fine for them. If you want to be sure check the ingredients on the back of the packaging.
You may find though that they are not very interested.
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