Newspaper and fleece.?

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Jan 6, 2008
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[colorr]I swar I'v asks this bfor. Anyway, an you put nwspapr on th floor? an I was wonring about flc, How o you clan thm out with flc.


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I use newspaper under fleece if that's what you mean. I would never use newspaper as a bedding on its own as it would stay wet and become smelly.

Fleece is very easily maintained - a daily brush out will get rid of the poops and an area with some sort of safe litter like megazorb is great to encourage them to pee on. Here's an extensive how-to on fleece by CCC (Laura) - Cleanout day is the same as Clare - sweep off, shake off any hay left outside and stick it in the wash.
I brush all the hay into the green bin :)
But most of it flies out of the bin into my neighbours garden ;D
I use newspaper and fleece too O0 On clean out day I shake the fleece on the garden and hay flies everywhere lol :P When I put it in the washing machine I put it in an old duvet cover because that way any hairs/hay etc. can't block up the washing machine.
I use fleece and newspaper, put the newspaper in the bin shake the fleece off in the garden then brush it up when I can remember! No most of the time I do except when it is raining, then I leave it until the next dry day! :D
Thanks DSL for that link on the fleeces O0 Might even give it a try and see how I get on ;)
I use a combination of fleece, towelling and newspaper and find it far easier to maintain, less messy, and better for the piggies than any other bedding I've used previously. It's also a lot cheaper in the long run which means the piggies get more pocket money to spend on goodies at the end of the month O0

I have two sets of bedding for each cage so one in the cage and one in the wash. I have provided each cage with purpose made litter trays which I fill with megazorb, I find this is also a handy place to pop their hay racks so that there is less hay mess to pick off the fleece on wash day. Clean out days are easy and mess free as I hoover the fleece whilst in situ and pop it straight into a washbag, then roll up the newspaper and bin it, wipe round the base of the cage with a dash of white vinegar, then replace with a fresh set. When I wash the bedding I don't use fabric conditioner as I find that this impedes the natural wicking effect of the bedding and there is nothing worse than a piggy with a soggy bum!

This photo isn't very clear but it shows that the fleece bedding is sometimes even more comfy than your fave hammock!

I use newspaper under fleece....have tried to get them to keep it tidy, but clean them daily - easy enough...just roll up the dirty fleece and replace any wet newspaper and then put a clean fleece on top and tuck in at the ends. Then I shake the dirty fleece into the recycling bin and pop it into a pillowcase to wash. Then put it in the tumble dryer to dry on a low heat...that takes a lot more of the hay off!

It's not only the poop that makes it untidy, it's the fact that of three pigs, one likes to sleep on the fleece, another likes hay and the other one is holed up in the pigloo... ::) 98) :smitten:
Nox said:
I use a combination of fleece, towelling and newspaper and find it far easier to maintain, less messy, and better for the piggies than any other bedding I've used previously. It's also a lot cheaper in the long run which means the piggies get more pocket money to spend on goodies at the end of the month O0

I have two sets of bedding for each cage so one in the cage and one in the wash. I have provided each cage with purpose made litter trays which I fill with megazorb, I find this is also a handy place to pop their hay racks so that there is less hay mess to pick off the fleece on wash day. Clean out days are easy and mess free as I hoover the fleece whilst in situ and pop it straight into a washbag, then roll up the newspaper and bin it, wipe round the base of the cage with a dash of white vinegar, then replace with a fresh set. When I wash the bedding I don't use fabric conditioner as I find that this impedes the natural wicking effect of the bedding and there is nothing worse than a piggy with a soggy bum!

This photo isn't very clear but it shows that the fleece bedding is sometimes even more comfy than your fave hammock!


I love the matching Hammock and Fleece.
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