Newly single piggie advice


New Born Pup
Aug 12, 2018
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Hello everyone,

I am absolutely devastated, my wonderful piggie Fuzz has had to cross the rainbow bridge aged 6 and a half. I’m incredibly upset and can’t speak much more on it, but looking for advice about my other piggie.

So sorry for the lengthy post.

Fuzz was a piggie that no rescue could get him to bond, male or female. We eventually paired him indirectly through bars with Coco, my lovely girl who the rescue centre had also tried to pair multiple times with females and males and she fought with every one.

They’ve had a lovely 3 years together, side by side in a C&C. However, I would say that they spent a maximum of 20 minutes together (‘interacting’ I mean, nudging at the bars to each other but that’s it) per day, if that. She’s healthy, happy, loves her treats and toys, has popcorn sessions all the time. She just never showed that much interest in him, and vice versa. They had their nice moments and clearly liked one another, but they weren’t dependent.

I’m now wondering what I do with Coco moving forward. She is a very tough girl and the rescue she came from (very experienced lady running it too) could not bond her with any piggie. I’m wondering whether we try to get her a friend again, or do we ensure that she has a very enriched life and leave her alone as she is. She is currently eating fine, acting as normal as ever.

In all honesty, I don’t want the piggie cycle to last forever. But I don’t want to give her up. But I’m wondering what others think about us keeping her single, but keeping our eyes on her, lots of interaction, enrichment and love. She’s indoors, right in our living room. I just worry that attempting a bond again after last time will be unnecessary stress for her and go badly.

Any thoughts are appreciated, thanks for letting me ramble x
I’m so sorry for your loss.

They wood have been interacting all the time even if not physically next to each other at the bars - they would have been interacting through scent and body language even from across the distance of the cages.

It’s very difficult to know what to do for the best when wishing to end the piggy cycle - you don’t want another piggy but don’t want your piggy to be slow
Can I ask how old is Coco? That can be quite a factor in making a decision.

Have you considered fostering? That way any new piggies aren’t actually yours, you are helping out a rescue centre but there is side by side interaction for Coco going forward.

Give yourself some time to think things through before making any decisions though
So sorry for the late reply, things have been tough.

Thank you for the advice. Coco is 3, 4 in a few weeks. She has perked up a lot since Fuzz passed, but still has off days. We’re still struggling on what to do!