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Nov 8, 2012
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Felixstowe, Suffolk
Hello, i have just joined, have just found the forum.

I am after some advice with my sows. I have 2 sisters who always got on well until they were separated to have babies, i have tried putting them all together since and they have fought badly, so i have had to keep them separated.

I tried changing them about today so i would have 2 female groups but both the sows were attacking the others babies. I have never heard of sows attacking babies. I had bathed them all but it didnt seem to make a difference. Is there anything else i can do or should i just give up?

Thank you, Amy
welcome to the forum!
I'm not the most experianced on here but i will try: have you tried putting the babies(assuming they are all girls) in one group and the big girls in another? or putting a mother with her babies in one group and the other mother with her babies in the other?:)
Was this a case of accidental or intentional breeding? As this is a rescue friendly forum and breeding isnt discussed generally on this forum. However the babies are here now, ive never known sows act so agresively are you sure all are infact sows? Maybe keep the babys together as a group and just focus on trying to get your two original sows to live together, I'm shocked at two sows being so agressive. A more experienced owner will be able to help you more than i can. Have you got a large cage for all these pigs a overcrowding can leas to fights x
My only suggestion would be to find a large, open, neutral area, put the groups you want to try to bond together (making sure they are all in fact female) and chuck a load of grass or veggies in the middle. Make sure there are no places that they can get bullied into and stuck. If you put hidey's down make sure they have an entrance and an exit so they can't get trapped. If all seems to go well (it may take a few tries over a few days before the accept each other) then have a complete cage clean. Put new bedding down and rearrange the cage as much as you can. It would probably be worth just trying for 10 mins or so at a time and gradually increasing the amount of time they spend together. Have a read up on this thread
This one may also help you

Hope this helps
Thank you Shellza. Yes i am sure they are all girls, they are 5 weeks old now! I had one boar who has successfully paired with an older boar. My girls have a 6x4 ft shed to run round in so plenty of space. I have tried again today after getting some advice from other people and so far so good. I have had to bring 2 inside to keep an eye on them but they seem ok.

Thank you for your help. Not sure i really belong on this forum so i shall be leaving now but thank you anyway.

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