Newbie Here!


New Born Pup
Dec 13, 2018
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Happy to have found this group of piggy experts. I will value your experience, advice and overall wonderfulness of owning GPs. I'm new to the group and new to the piggy world and I'm devouring as much info as possible to give my Chico and Leon (both rescues) the best, healthiest life possible. That said, I've very much enjoyed Laura-CCC4's informative and exhaustive thread about Ca:p ratios based on fresh fruits and veggies because Chico came to me with white spots in his urine. Adjusting his food is helping but not entirely eliminating. Best as I can figure, both their fresh food ratio is 1.4:1. Both are fussy eaters, so it's a challenge.

My question: How does the 1/8 cup of pellets play into the ratio. Currently offering Oxbow Essentials.

Thanks in advance for any input that will help us. C&L
Hello and :wel: to the Forum. There are lots of guides under the Forum tab, some on feeding which are great. Always aim for 80% hay, 10% pellets and 10% veggies if at all possible. There is a list of lower calcium veggies, but they do need a certain amount of calcium for healthy teeth and bones. There is also a page on special diets for piggies with dietary needs outside the norm. Hope you have fun on here and ask away x
If I’ve converted correctly, one eighth of a cup is two tablespoons but the recommended amount of pellets per pig per day is one tablespoon.
Hello Welcome to the forum, i am glad you have found the threads helpful
Yes, I give one tablespoon a day per piggie, they get a teaspoon full of jumbo oats as well in the winter x
I usually give 1/16 to 1/8 cup of pellets per day, and even them sometimes my guinea pigs will leave some :)
Thank you all for the welcome and info. My question is still - how do the pellets factor in if I'm trying to achieve an ideal Ca:p ratio of 1.3:1. Their fresh food is currently at 1.4:1. The bag states a % but not in increments I can put into the equation.
I can’t help with that because working out ideal ratios in their food is not something I work on.
Jumbo oats are porridge oats
When you say white spots in his urine, what do you mean exactly? Having white urine in itself isn’t an issue - white urine means calcium is being expelled. It is when there is grit in the urine which is a sign of a problem,.
What are jumbo oats?
Jumbo oats are large oats, they have not been blended or desicated in anyway. Just big oats not oatmeal which is chopped up into smaller pieces x
Can't beat the winter oats @Bill & Ted they helped Jezzy regain over 50g of baytril weight loss in 4 days! Now we just need to supersize tiny little Blodwen...
Yes, we all love our oats in this house! They are great for filling and fattening them up! Although us hoomans don’t need to get any bigger really! Hope your girls are enjoying theirs too x