Newbie here, needs your help!

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Mar 6, 2007
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Hello, i have two female guinea pigs which are about 3 months old. I think one of them mabey pregnant but not sure lol.. At the moment they are kept inside but i am getting an outdoor hutch. I would like a two story hutch which i have seen and with a bit of adjustment i should be able to attach my run to it. I would like info on the fleece people have mentioned, were do i get it, could i just use a towel? Also i would like to know the best way to tell if she is pregnant so i can prepare.

Thank you.... TOM! O0
I have no idea about the fleece sorry... I also have a pregnant sow... they are pregnant for around 62-72 days and the average litter size is about 2-4 babies i think... near the ened of the pregnancy she gets noticably fatter... all you have to do is make sure she gets food, water and also make sure the babies wont be able to get out of the cage... other than that mum will do the rest :)

Welcome to the forum :) hope his info helps...
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