Junior Guinea Pig
i have had my 2 female Guinea pigs about a month now, they stay in a hutch outside and every day I either put them outside on the grass in a wire run or inside on a fleecy blanket in the wire run for a few hours. I'm worried they don't have anything to do when in the run so have gradually been buying new toys,the first being a ball made out of sticks,the second a twig bridge I bought 2 days ago.
I gave them the bridge for the first time Monday night, they started running through it one after the other but then I noticed one was staying in it more, after it being in here atleast an hour I heard one of them make a low rumbling/growl noise and appeared to snap at the other one, since then I've noticed them occasionally twitch and finch when both are at the bridge, are they fighting over it? Should I buy a second one?
i ended up moving it out of the run as I didn't like the rumbling noise and was scared it was cause more fighting
I gave them the bridge for the first time Monday night, they started running through it one after the other but then I noticed one was staying in it more, after it being in here atleast an hour I heard one of them make a low rumbling/growl noise and appeared to snap at the other one, since then I've noticed them occasionally twitch and finch when both are at the bridge, are they fighting over it? Should I buy a second one?
i ended up moving it out of the run as I didn't like the rumbling noise and was scared it was cause more fighting