New Toy

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Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 16, 2016
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i have had my 2 female Guinea pigs about a month now, they stay in a hutch outside and every day I either put them outside on the grass in a wire run or inside on a fleecy blanket in the wire run for a few hours. I'm worried they don't have anything to do when in the run so have gradually been buying new toys,the first being a ball made out of sticks,the second a twig bridge I bought 2 days ago.
I gave them the bridge for the first time Monday night, they started running through it one after the other but then I noticed one was staying in it more, after it being in here atleast an hour I heard one of them make a low rumbling/growl noise and appeared to snap at the other one, since then I've noticed them occasionally twitch and finch when both are at the bridge, are they fighting over it? Should I buy a second one?
i ended up moving it out of the run as I didn't like the rumbling noise and was scared it was cause more fighting
i have had my 2 female Guinea pigs about a month now, they stay in a hutch outside and every day I either put them outside on the grass in a wire run or inside on a fleecy blanket in the wire run for a few hours. I'm worried they don't have anything to do when in the run so have gradually been buying new toys,the first being a ball made out of sticks,the second a twig bridge I bought 2 days ago.
I gave them the bridge for the first time Monday night, they started running through it one after the other but then I noticed one was staying in it more, after it being in here atleast an hour I heard one of them make a low rumbling/growl noise and appeared to snap at the other one, since then I've noticed them occasionally twitch and finch when both are at the bridge, are they fighting over it? Should I buy a second one?
i ended up moving it out of the run as I didn't like the rumbling noise and was scared it was cause more fighting

Hi! What you noticed was some minor dominance behaviour and nothing to worry about. Get another bridge if you can, as it is otherwise the top piggy that gets first dibs, as is its right. Having one each will make things a lot easier when it comes to guinea pigs (not just small children!).

You may find our toy thread with lots of ideas for cheap things to make yourself interesting in order to create some enrichment. Cardboard boxes, toilet roll inners and brown paper bags (with handles cut through) come in handy as the start for a range of things, especially if they are stuffed with hay or veg or make little huts, stools or tents. Even pegging an old dish towel to the mesh to form a tent can provide lots of fun!

When putting your piggies out on the lawn, please make sure that you provide plenty of shade, and on very hot days, even double shade with a dampened (and hence cooling) fleece or beach towel over the top.
Guinea Pig Toys
Sow Behaviour
Illustrated Bonding Behaviours And Dynamics
I decided to give them the bridge back and placed it back in there run yesterday and watched them again for fighting, luckily no signs of this time, they actually both squeezed into it together and lay under it next to each other even though it was too small.
Because I thought they were OK with it I put it in their hutch overnight, however this morning when I looked in one of them was sat out in the main compartment and the other in the sleeping compartment. They were like this again when I went back
Later and now in worried they've fallen out and the one in the main compartment has been pushed out of the sleeping compartment. My boyfriend thinks it because it was hot today and say he often see that Guinea pig in the main compartment,am I just being paranoid as I'm
New to Guinea pigs
I decided to give them the bridge back and placed it back in there run yesterday and watched them again for fighting, luckily no signs of this time, they actually both squeezed into it together and lay under it next to each other even though it was too small.
Because I thought they were OK with it I put it in their hutch overnight, however this morning when I looked in one of them was sat out in the main compartment and the other in the sleeping compartment. They were like this again when I went back
Later and now in worried they've fallen out and the one in the main compartment has been pushed out of the sleeping compartment. My boyfriend thinks it because it was hot today and say he often see that Guinea pig in the main compartment,am I just being paranoid as I'm
New to Guinea pigs

Please always provide two sleeping places. it is a normal part of the dominance for the top pig to have first choice on bed and board; this usually lasts for about two weeks, but it can be longer or shorter. Most guinea pig pairs need space to get away from each other; they don't snuggle up all the time, not even if they are well bonded.

You may find our starter kit of information for new owners helpful; but you can find a lot more at the top of our various Care sections. It is worth a browse!
" Starter Kit" Of Information Threads For New Owners
Please always provide two sleeping places. it is a normal part of the dominance for the top pig to have first choice on bed and board; this usually lasts for about two weeks, but it can be longer or shorter. Most guinea pig pairs need space to get away from each other; they don't snuggle up all the time, not even if they are well bonded.

You may find our starter kit of information for new owners helpful; but you can find a lot more at the top of our various Care sections. It is worth a browse!
" Starter Kit" Of Information Threads For New Owners

The hutch only has 1 large sleeping compartment and they are usually always in there together, it was only this morning I noticed one day outside. I don't know how I could provide a second sleeping place.
The hutch I have is the one I was given with them when I rescued them as it all came as a "package"
The hutch only has 1 large sleeping compartment and they are usually always in there together, it was only this morning I noticed one day outside. I don't know how I could provide a second sleeping place.
The hutch I have is the one I was given with them when I rescued them as it all came as a "package"

Can you put the tunnel in the open compartment?
Can you put the tunnel in the open compartment?

Yeah that is where the tunnel is.
I don't really like the hutch layout at the moment as I think it is a bit plain so I might look into adding bits and removing bits to try and make it more interesting
Is there a post where you can discuss hutch layouts and accesories? I was hoping to post my ideas and maybe other people suggest ideas to make my hutch better :hmm:
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