New To Owning Piggies

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Ashleigh G

New Born Pup
May 27, 2014
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We've had our two female guinea pigs for about 2 months now, they're approx 5-6 months old.

They are both still nervous of us and won't let us pick them up. I can stroke one of them in the cage but the other one pegs it! I don't feel as though they will ever be at the stage for us to pick them up, especially the really nervy one. I need to bath them and clip their nails but can't get near!

I tried the fleece pouches which the softer one sometimes goes in but it usually doesn't work now.

I'm struggling to see if it'll get better! I want to be able to care for them but it's tough when I can't get near.

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Thank you. x
Time and patience is what you need. I had a nervy one, she still is unless she's cuddled under my chin. When I bath her she squeals like I'm going to kill her and that's just when she hears the water running. She's getting used to it and she is the easiest to claw clip now too. I find if you talk to them in a gentle voice at the same time it calms them a bit as well. She's now got to the point that when I walk in the door she squeaks when she hears me. It's really nice to be rewarded at the time you put in. Hang in there
I wish I could just stroke her! I'm currently trying to get them out of the cage for a run around whilst I clean it and I can't get them! The softer one won't even let me. They come to the front when imr giving them food but that's about it. I talk to them and they are better than when we first got them but we've just hit a wall.

I'll keep trying. I don't think it helps that we're completely new to it! Thanks for your reply.
You'll get there. There's bound to be more people replying to you who can guide you in the right direction
Keep at it ... my Ella is the oldest of my bunch and she still gives me a hard time holding her and i've had her for 5 months now. I've actually come to the conclusion that she just doesnt want to be held. After about 3 months she allowed me to pet her, feed her from my hand but once i attempt to pick her up it all goes down hill. Plus she is still pretty young 6-7 months like your pig.
Keep at it ... my Ella is the oldest of my bunch and she still gives me a hard time holding her and i've had her for 5 months now. I've actually come to the conclusion that she just doesnt want to be held. After about 3 months she allowed me to pet her, feed her from my hand but once i attempt to pick her up it all goes down hill. Plus she is still pretty young 6-7 months like your pig.

Thanks for the advice. How do you get on with bathing her and clipping her nails etc?
Thanks for the advice. How do you get on with bathing her and clipping her nails etc?

Well once I manage to get her out of the cage I always hold her with a blanky or a towel. I set her on my lap and sit on the floor (she feels safest on the floor) and now she isn’t so bad on allowing me to clip her nails but once she starts biting at the towel or standing and chattering in aggression I stop and start again when she calms down. It’s like communicating through action and patience instead of words (never giving up and never getting upset/hopeless). I'll let you know when I’ve mastered bathing...she gives me absolute hell when it's bathe time so I try to make it more of a sponge bath… cleaning the essentials. And I just do a little more each time to make her adjust. Patience is key! Good luck and hang in there!
I have one that hate being picked up. But he likes it when I sit in the run with them. In the begining I put bits of veg on my legs to incorrage him to climb on me. He now loves climbing over me. He still does like cuddles, but he's always on the go. Too many places to go and piggys to see
Thanks for all your advice. I eventually got them out of their cage and they had a run around, I had a cuddle with the softer one as well! I think the other one will just always be really nervous.
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