new to guinea's so advice on behaviour needed

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Aug 7, 2011
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south coast of the UK
I have just become the owner of two guinea boys...about a year old who have lived together ( think they are from the same mother) I have introduced them to a new run on the lawn and read that giving them some floor time is good idea I put plenty of newspaper down and brought them into the safe part of my kitchen. I put a shelter down for them and some veggies and they took a few mins and then began to explore.
I noticed that the braver one was being followed by his brother, litteraly with his nose up the other ones did a wee and the other one licked its bum and then seemed to lick the wee......I am guessing its a dominance thing...but then I becan to wonder if it was to do with the fact that they dont seem to drink much..... one is deff more dominant but not agressive to his brother. I am trying each day to give them a little handleing....sitting with them and feeding them by hand (which the braver one will do) but not holding them too much as they have not been handled. Is this normal behaviour? I look forward to replies x
All totally normal! My piggies always wander about nose to bum when looking and something new and whenever one does a pee the other sniffs/licks it....silly piggies :))

It will take a while but they will become more confident :)
All totally normal! My piggies always wander about nose to bum when looking and something new and whenever one does a pee the other sniffs/licks it....silly piggies :))

It will take a while but they will become more confident :)

thanks I thought it would be but I thought I would just check!
my boys seem very attatched to each other, right now my daughter has one on her lap and his brother is weeeking for him to come back! they seem to enjoying wondering around the floor xx
haha pair do that too, the spend their time looking for each other if one is getting a cuddle :)
Awww, you're lucky. This is pretty normal friendly boar behaviour.

Piggies communicate a lot through scent. This is why boars have scent/grease glands used to mark their territory and "possessions". Sniffing wee and bums (like with dogs) is a why for male piggies to get information on other boars.

There are quite a lot of long threads on dominance behaviour and aggressive boar behaviour but let us know if anything changes in their relationship. Boar relationships are difficult to maintain and are often unstable. This doesn't mean you can't have successful pairings, it's just statistically more difficult than with sows.
Awww, you're lucky. This is pretty normal friendly boar behaviour.

Piggies communicate a lot through scent. This is why boars have scent/grease glands used to mark their territory and "possessions". Sniffing wee and bums (like with dogs) is a why for male piggies to get information on other boars.

There are quite a lot of long threads on dominance behaviour and aggressive boar behaviour but let us know if anything changes in their relationship. Boar relationships are difficult to maintain and are often unstable. This doesn't mean you can't have successful pairings, it's just statistically more difficult than with sows.

thanks I will be watching them carefully so that they can be as happy as can be xx
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