New to guinea pigs and unsure of behavior?

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May 12, 2011
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Hi, my name is Jules and I need advice. In advance, I'm sorry this is so long.

Last week I bought a new guinea pig. The shop owner said the piggies were young, not sure if she mentioned how old the piggies were, but if she did I either missed it or forgot... but they are young. So I bought 1 and done a little research online about the sounds they make, and their bedding, and their living habits, basically everything I could think of and I still Google things lol. Anyways, the owner said she was a female, so her name is Daisy. I think she adapted pretty well to me, although of course she's still shy and runs away when I try to reach in and pet her or pick her up, but I think she's coming around. There was a noise that sounded familiar to the "lonely" noise and of course I got worried, Googled sounds, and came across a piece that said she may need a companion and that some could grieve to death... So today I went and bought another guinea pig (Lily) from the same shop.

Moving onto my main concerns: Daisy has been chasing Lily around the bin practically all day, except for when she is eating or drinking. Lily tries to run away and hide in the corner, makes a little noise that, to me, sounds like she's telling Daisy to leave her alone. I try to distract Daisy but if I take my eye off of her for just a short amount of time, she's back to chasing Lily, so what's going on? Should I separate Lily from Daisy for awhile and then let them meet somewhere they haven't been, like in another room? Could something maybe be wrong with Lily, that she might want to be alone for whatever reason? I've noticed that Lily seems to have perhaps a few scabs behind her ears, and I feel something weird under her skin back at the crown of her head, kinda feels like my finger rolls over it and it kinda moves around? No idea what that would be so maybe an idea from you?

Even though I'm new to parenting guinea pigs, I already love mine so much and just want to spoil them and make them happy so I appreciate any advice and suggestions you and anyone may have. Thanks so much! :)
Hi, to be sure, would you be able to take clear photos of their private area so we can be sure that both are really females?

Chasing does sounds like:

1) A male trying to mate with a female.

2) Dominance issues being sorted out by both males / females.

I'm just hoping that the first one won't happen, as breeding Guineapigs can be risky and not to mention - There are already many unwanted abandoned pigs.

Sadly to say - Most petshops are really /retarded/ and dumb, they don't get the best knowledges, and force people to buy unneeded stuffs, claiming how good / important those stuffs are to the pets when it's not, and most importantly, missexing by the shop person isn't a uncommon sight.
I agree with Rilenceny. Also if you just stuck them both into the same cage right away that is Daisy's territory so maybe she is just a little upset that there is someone new in her space. They need to be introduced on neutral territory somewhere Daisy hasn't been in the house. I don't know if females are the same as males in that regard but I'm guessing so. I would definitely separate them immediately into separate cages but next to each other so they can still see/hear each other until you are certain that they are both females so that no little accident litters occur. I'm sure someone else will be along soon with more information and help. Good luck!
Thanks so much for your responses everyone. I reviewed the sexing link and looked myself and they both appear to have the same thing going on down there, don't see any "i"'s really, but then again, they didn't care to much for me checking 'them out. I will try to get some photos so that I can get your opinions, but I'm hoping it's just a matter of dominance and territory causing the fuss.

This morning at about 5am I got woke up by them both (because they were in the same bin), for Daisy seemed to be chasing Lily away from the food dish and water bottle.. So I got my old cage out, fixed it up, and put Lily in there with her own food and water and castle thing to sleep in. I'm not sure how she likes it, probably much better being as she doesn't get chased around anymore, but I suppose I'll just have to wait and see. There's no squealing though from either of them... just Daisy popcorning around in her cage lol, she's so cute. Hopefully I can put them together soon and they become great friends.

Again, thank you all for your comments and suggestions. Like I said, I'll get you some photos soon and hopefully get it all sorted out so everyone can be happy haha. When they aren't happy, I'm not happy, and we just can't have that. :p
Hi! congrats on your piggies. You have done the right thing in seperating them, they need to slowly adjust to eachother. For a short while each day put both girls in a completely new environment. Provide hideys and food and let them get to know one another. Expecting some quarrels but dont intervene unless it gets reaaly nasty. Be ready with some towels to throw on them in case of this, they will bite any fingers in their path! Once they seem to have become used to eachother clean out one of the cages thoroughly, use white whine vinegar to neutralise smells, move it around so its 'new'. Let them have some supervised time in the cage and see what you think. If they appear to be getting on then leave them to bond. Make sure there is adequate food, beds for both to prevent any more quabbles.
I have 4 boys and the oldest ones still have little spats, its normal. Your girls will work out who is boss and sometimes she will assert her authority!
Sometimes bathing can help, but only do this if you are confident. The bathing forces bonding because the unsettling incident makes them stick together for a while. It also makes them smell the same.
Guinea pigs are just the best!
a good way to bond them is to give them a bath, you can get guinea pig shampoo from most pet shops. bath them together in the sink or something, clean the cage so they both smell the same and the experience is usually so traumatic for them it helps them to bond. here's my soggy piggies having their bath yesterday


also keep the cages next to each other so they interact without fighting, and introduce them for an hour or 2 at a time on neutral ground, like an outdoor run or the carpet :) always make sure they have seperate beds in the cage too, so they have their own place to sleep or hide.good luck x
Hey thanks for the bathing idea, I so have to try that! I believe it will work and I'm going to try it tomorrow. Today I noticed them talking to each other it seemed, like whistling at each other through their cages, so I tried to let them be together for a little while, and not even 15 seconds after putting them together, they were at one another... although probably my own stupidity because I put them in Daisy's bin, which is bigger, after I cleaned it out.. She probably still knew it was her house though lol... So I took Lily out and put her back into her own bin beside Daisy's and they continued to talk to each other, but it looked like they weren't paying each other any attention.

Lily is worrying me though. She stays in her little tunnel practically all day. :( This morning when I gave them their veggies, she took her cucumber and went back into her tunnel to eat it. It's like she only comes out when she thinks no one is watching to eat or drink, but as soon as she sees someone, she runs back in... Maybe she's still afraid? Compared to her, Daisy adapted pretty quickly I think.. was popcorning the next day and running around in circles. Maybe Lily was just handled alot at the shop and still scared? Makes me sad, her hanging out in her small little tunnel all the time though. :(

I did manage to get pics of Daisy though, so you guys could help with determining whether they're male or female... looks like a female to me though, what do you think?




A couple different angles, poor thing.. but yeah, obviously the bathing idea is good, lol. Soon to come: Lily! Thanks again everyone for the replies and suggestions, will let you know the outcome asap. :D
So today I managed to give the piggies a bath, first time for me, I'm not sure if they've ever gotten one but I think they liked it though and I'm glad it wasn't that hard. Anyways, I was trying to check Lily, and I think that maybe she might be a he.... Lily and Daisy got different "packages" it looks like. When I let them out for free time, they seemed to not be too fond of one another still, so I was wondering if it's likely Daisy knows Lily is a male and doesn't want to be around him and trying to tell me? She got pretty snappy with him, had his teeth chattering, and he looked like he was ready to brawl if she had come any closer to him. I had them together in the same cage after their bath... cleaned it out, new bedding, new food, hideys for them both and they just were running around like they were chasing each other playing. While they were running around though, sometimes it seemed like they were playing, others it seemed like one was trying to get away from the other, but they were both doing it to each other so I don't know what was up. But anyways, they're back separated again and I just don't know what to do... your thoughts and opinions would be appreciated. Thank you!
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yeah she's definately female. it will take alot of time, some piggies are just plain stubborn! but piggies naturally don't like to live alone, so it will happen eventually. just keep trying x
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