New To Forum, New Girl Booty The Skinny Pig

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 4, 2014
Reaction score
Goderich, ON
Hello GP forum.
I'm commonly known as Sterling from Ontario, in the small animal community. I generally rescue rats but miss Booty came to me yesterday the lone left over of a BYB trio. I haven't been able to get a clear history on her breeding past. She is on pregnancy watch just to be safe. She's 10 months old which is the only sure fact I have.

We named her Booty because of her cute little bum patch. We were also supposed to rescue a male skinny but no word on him yet. Hopefully we can get him and neuter him and introduce them.

She's sweet, a little small for 10 months which makes me suspect early breeding. She couldn't decide last night what to eat first. She didn't come with anything except her very dirty C&C cage and a bowl and water bottle which I chucked because of the absolute build up of crud. Yuck.

I haven't had a piggy since I was younger (I'm 28). I have never dealt with a pregnant pig, just rats and rabbits.

Any suggestions or hints to look for. I read some of the pregnancy threads and know how long to wait. I have an amazing exotics vet that is great with my rats. I imagine he'll be just as great with her.
I know the rat forum loves photos so I will assume the piggy lovers also will.
Miss Booty


As well as I will introduce myself with my ratty boys Odin, Tyrion and Boots. Find its nice to have a face to the name.
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Hi there. Welcome to the forum. How lovely you have rescued this poor girl. The best thing to do is to open up a thread for her under the pregnancy section as you will get more help.
Hi and welcome!

Sounds like the poor little girl has landed on her feet. Please be aware that skinny pigs have a very quick metabolism and need to eat more than normal piggies, so you have to up the recommended portions somewhat. You can find lots of information on them in this thread here:

To help settling her down, you may find these threads here helpful:

It is good that you are planning for a companion. I just want to add that skinnies and furries can also live together without problems, but that we recommend a full 6 weeks post neutering op wait. I have the surprise legacy courtesy of a supposedly safe over 5 weeks post op rescue boar, just to prove that particular point! We can help you with preparing for the op and as well as the bonding.

If you are worried, please open a thread for your girl in the pregnancy section with age, how long you have had her for and some background info, so we can tailor any answers to questions or ongoing advice accordingly. for the same reason, it is very helpful if you kept everything re. pregnancy to that one thread so we can refer back if necessary.
Welcome to the forum to you, your furry family and Booty (she is lovely :love:) She certainly seems to have landed on all four paws coming to you.

If you need any advice piggy or forum related please just ask, it's very friendly here.

Could we ask the name and address of your vet it always helps to know good vets all over the world.
Thanks. We just happen to have found a skinny boy in need. If he doesn't pull through I'm sure we will find an in need pig...prefer another female as cost of neuter is not exactly ideal with a rescue but we're open to any in need.
There's a male and female furred GP pair on Kijiji I'm sure the female is pregnant and I am trying to get them to respond
Hi :wel:to the forum..

Booty is a gorgeous looking girl.. We have a few members on the forum that are slaves to skinny Guinea Pigs so hopefully they may be able to answer any questions you may have about your little one.. :nod:

As we have members from all over the world,can you please add your location to your profile as it helps fellow members give any answers to questions you may have that may be area/country specific. This can be done by clicking on your username, then personal details, then add location......

Lisa & Ali..
Will do. I finally got response from Booty's previous owner. She was with a male a week ago [emoji19] "but she wasn't showing signs of being in heat" oh boy....wonder how She got pregnant lol, "I wasn't ovulating that day so I didn't think I could get pregnant" like it matters...he still has the ability and she still has active eggs! Gah!
So pregnancy watch is in full effect, dates on the calendar for latest due date.
Hi and welcome.I am mum to ten piggy sows, majority rescues and I also have seven rats, four of which are rescued.Nice to know the piggies have landed on their feet.Fingers crossed for a successful, smooth pregnancy for booty.
Hi welcome, I have 2 girl skinnies so shout if you need any help.
Hello and welcome. Your new addition is lovely, it's a shame how she was treated before. I am sure she thinks she's gone to piggy heaven with all the care she's receiving now. I hope you find this forum as helpful as I have.
She loves the degus and as soon as I figure out a video/photo sharing program I'll upload the video of Winnie (degu queen bee) giving her kisses on the face. The rats are also very interested in this new creature that has come in to their room.
She chats and squeaks to them now that she is aware of them. Its very cute to see all these different critters interacting.
I shared my location and vets information in my "about me" in my profile. I have two depending on what the need is. Robinson is good with general care and pregnancy, and College Park has the equipment for surgeries(neuters, tumor removal etc)
Thank you for the warm welcome.Glad to have come across this. I am active at The Rat Shack forum and love rescue based information forums. I have been rescuing rats for over a year, have rescued over 50 ratties (stopped counting) and have had 5 guinea pigs (all furred before, and Male),Booty is my first female and Skinny,though I used to work at Petsmart and have experience handling and caring for them. I always researched animals I was selling, instead of just following their care anyone who has been to a Petsmart has likely witnessed the poor basic care.
I worked at PetSmart too! Lol. I hated it :) Although I must say if I had to compare them to Petland, well the lesser of two evils, I suppose! Ugh Petstores :( Weird question- if a skinny pig mates with a furry pig, will the babies be mixed furry and skinny?! It just occurred to me lol
I would guess there is the possibility of both. Guess if the furry was the Male there would likely be more furry babies...stronger less recessive genes
Sounds like you are doing an amazing job. I like Degus as well as guinea pigs. We have five degus currently waiting for new homes in the Rspca centre where I volunteer. Very few visitors seem to have heard of degus so I always make a point of showing them how adorable, fun and clean they are!
She is beautiful! Good luck and well done for giving her a wonderful home, looks like she's certainly landed on her feet with you!
Thanks all!
I wasn't sure of the Degus either. I'd briefly once heard of them. Then I was looking for a critter nation cage for my rats and there was an advert for 2 degus with critter nation cage $40 (canadian). Thought wow what a deal as they usually run $180 (CAN) on average. I have other smaller two story cages that would be just peachy for two degus and I could make the CN up for my rats.

This was what they came in (this was after I cleaned it up and put real bedding and some toys and hideys in.

That is certainly not the same as this (a single critter nation)

But I'm so in love. They are lovely ladies Winnie and Danica

There's not much I have found in the way of a community forum like this and the Rat Shack for Degus. Just lots of how to's and do's and don't's. I am glad I looked it up though as they have a tendency to get diabetes on the wrong diet.
And they are no longer in that cage. We upgraded them to what we call our 'frankencage' which is made out of two guinea pig cages.
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Hello and a big welcome, Booty is sooooo lovely :love: I want a skinny pig or two or three :D
Thanks again. She's doing well. Finally eating. Going to have to work on her potty training as she's all over the place right now. She had couch time with us today and did well. Gave some kisses on my arm and chirped to us....lots of pooping on the blanket though, probably a bit of fear pooping.
We'll work with her continuously and try and cure her shyness to people and being out and about. Though she will now sit at her bowl and eat whereas the first few days she'd grab a bite and run into her log house.
Thanks again. She's doing well. Finally eating. Going to have to work on her potty training as she's all over the place right now. She had couch time with us today and did well. Gave some kisses on my arm and chirped to us....lots of pooping on the blanket though, probably a bit of fear pooping.
We'll work with her continuously and try and cure her shyness to people and being out and about. Though she will now sit at her bowl and eat whereas the first few days she'd grab a bite and run into her log house.
I have never been able to toilet train my pigs. Good luck with it.
Thank you. Well we started by putting a larger pan on the side of the cage she was using the most for poops. She seems to be getting it already. I have eliminated bedding from the rest of her cage and she is just on fleece so it is very different then the paper chunks in her potty. I want to get her into the paper pellets like my rats eventually and am going about the process on much the same way.
She has had a few scattered poops but generally she is already "getting it". Will move to a smaller litter pan next with half and half paper chunks and half paper pellet until we work down to just pellet.

We did a great grocery shop for lots of fresh essentials as the rats, degus and miss Booty needed more fresh veg and a little fruit for the rats. We got mixed bell peppers and the rats had never had pepper before. We got a mixed review. Booty preferred her carrot tops first then ate her pepper chunk. She likes Orange pepper best. She is doing great eating her daily serving of pellet and she thoroughly enjoys her hay all day long...I watch the stack throughout the day go down so her appetite is fantastic. She's more playful when we are in the room which is so nice to see.
She had a great play date with the Degus lastnight and I wish my phone hadn't been dying because I couldn't get a decent photo without the flash.
Here are the horrid dark photos I got. I did tidy her cage up after. I was cleaning the degus cage while they played.

Miss Winnie and Booty chatting about food I assume
Booty girl enjoying Christmas breakfast. :) she's so much more brave and social


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