New to boars - any advice?


New Born Pup
Jul 13, 2023
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Hi everyone who reads this 👋

I currently have two 9 week old boars. They are brothers from the same litter. When I had Guinea Pigs before almost all of them were sows except for my pair of boars who were much older and already bonded when I got them. So I’ve no experience of younger boars and what behaviours I should be looking out for.
I’ve been reading up on here about bonding Guinea pigs, and so far I’ve given my two everything they need (LOTS of space, two exits/entrances to things, 2 areas where hay is kept etc) but I’ve noticed since picking them up last week there’s a lot of rumble strutting going on from the both of them. It first started with the smaller one doing it but now his brother has decided to join in lol I know what it means but at what point do I need to be concerned because they are both doing it at the same time more and more each day. I’m hoping I’m worrying over nothing but wanted to be armed with as much information as possible so I can know when to step in if I need to. Thanks for reading and I look forward to your advice x
I always think rumblestrutting is just them showing off. It’s never led to a fight between my boars.