New Summer housing for my girlies, so exciting!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 2, 2009
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Having tried hutch run combos, two story hutches etc I have a lovely massive hutch and run for my five girlies :) However, with the nice weather they have moved into their Summer quarters. Agnes the tortoise has moved into the Boys' old run that they no longer need (when she's not wandering 'round the garden with us) leaving the big run (just over 6x4) free so the girlies have moved in. One end is water proof so we've made a guinea village of boxes and houses all in a semi circle and full of hay and the rest is open so they can enjoy the sun. They have an igloo and a couple of bits of wood to climb on. Naturally the grass is long gone, but they're getting the products of our weeding which is keeping them busy!

Got an old beach tent to put over the top tonight because it' a bit wet, leaving one side away from their bedrooms open so they're all cosy and dry. Ever so excited, they can't stop hopping around! Bless!
Sounds fun! I had my girls in a 7 by 3 ft with a 3ft by 2ft run attached to one end and a Trixie house attached to the other, filled the run with tunnels and toys and a hedge hog house and they seem to like it! Only problem was if it rained overnight I struggledto keep the whole thing dry so water would seep in eventually so now I have to catch them all and put them in their hutch overnight or when it's raining badly. Just need to make a waterproof cover then it'sll make a great summer house.
Wow, that's massive! Not surprised they loved it. Mine's in quite a sheltered garden, so if it rains very little will go in when it's covered. There's only one side open then and there's an overhang which helps. The mesh is quite small which offers more protection still. So I'm fairly confident rainy days'l be fine. Only time will tell though, have the hutch at the ready!
The weather has been dreadful lately, I thought it would be ok this time of the year, the run is up against a wall that seperates our drive from nextdoors, but because the rain has been heavy and persistent, it just seeps in.
My run used to be a 5ft by 3 ft but I added extra panels in myself, my first attempt at DIY woodwork! I was quite pleased with it! Can you post a photo of your summer accomodation? I love seeing what other people have done and pinching their great ideas lol!
I am going to try, but I don't have photobucket at mo. Have finally got internet, but only on mobile internet and it doesn't like me uploading or downloading things.... Will def work on it!
Ok! I will try and photo my run tomorrow, children permitting (the dreaded summer hols, 3 under 6 yrs):))


The run with attached hutch and trixie house
Thats lovely - I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that has piggies on concrete. My piggies runs are on the pathways in my garden and the enclosure sits on the tiny patch of grass I have!
I keep them on concrete because they will and have, desimated the lawn!! Also, on the concrete, they are safer and I can wash it down to keep it clean for them each week. I take the kids out foraging almost every day so it is part of our routine to collect grass for them to munch on so although they can't graze they can eat fresh greens.
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