New scared piggies

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Sep 5, 2010
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hi. I'm new to keeping guinea pigs and so don't really know what to expect. We have had two little girls for a week now. I've been trying to be cautious around them and not scare them, but they are still quite scared and do not like being picked up or touched. I thought they were supposed to go out in a run each day, but I find it really hard to catch them and I can't see how I can get them anywhere near a run as they are so squirmy. Should I just persevere or do I just need to take it slower with them?

Also, any ideas on how big a run they need? I have seen lots that are no bigger and some smaller than the hutch they are in at the moment. Where do yo get your runs from?


i remember when norah was like this, try feeding them treats, stroking them etc. then when they trust you, gently scoop them up and bring them to your chest then just let them sit on you and stroke them.
you need to associate yourself with pleasant nice things like treats and strokes. theyll toughen up! x x
Hi! Welcome to the forum!

Give your girls more time to settle (they will do so gradually a bit more every day) and leave the run for when they are comfy with their surroundings. Most guinea pigs have hardly had any human contact before they are sold and most will never love the act of being picked up (even though they love being cuddled). To help soothing them down, try to pick them up in a cuddlecup and cuddle them in there - that will make them feel much more secure. Praise them as often as you can, like you would with a little dog. Piggies react very much to the tone of your voice.
Here are more tips:

Get the biggest run you can afford. Make sure that any outdoors run has a firm cover against cats, dogs, foxes and birds of prey if you want to leave them out unattended. When you put them out, start in one corner and dot cardboard boxes or hides around very close by at first. Don't be surprised if it takes a few visits for them to get the hang of it! A beach towel pegged over the top will make them feel protected (ideally, you should always provide some shade anyway).
All babies are the same, just hold them plenty and don't be too afraid to scare them. Mine are in the hall so I walk pass them whenever I'm changing rooms, they run for cover but sometimes Callis just looks at me :) eventually they will know you ain't going to eat them. x

I've had my boys for 6 weeks and they are slowly coming round, but they still dont like being picked up. It takes a long time for them to trust you so dont lose heart. I can feed mine titbits now and they will come and say hello and take them from my hand, one lets me stroke him in the pen whilst he eats. Its all very gradual though. I bought pigloos for my boys, when its floor time i encourage them to go into these and then gently carry them to the pen, and visa versa when its time to go back. This is much easier than chasing them around! A box would do the same job. I feel happier doing this than terrifying them with hands trying to grab them.
We bring them out on our knee for 5 mins a day. We save their fave food for this time so they are distracted munching away, they will associate the nice food with cuddles. They dont love it but they tolerate it, they arent as terrified as they were so it's progress! I cant believe i have only had my boys 6 weeks, I dont know what I did before I had themx)
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