New Piggy


Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 2, 2017
Reaction score
Got our piggy Bella about 2 weeks ago. She eats well and is drinking water. She is very social with humans and loves to cuddle and talk. She has a pretty big cage and I'm getting her a bigger one this week. She doesn't seem to play much though. She just kind of hides in her hidey house unless we pull her out. We play with her daily and let her run around. She usually just hides though. Suggestions?
How old is she? Is her cage in a loud part of the house? Two weeks is still a short time to be in a new environment, she may just not be used to her surroundings quite yet. Baby steps after all. :))
Thats what the vet said. Shes in the living room but nobody is ever out there so it is nice and quiet. She's just a baby.
If she's a lone guinea pig a companion would really benefit her! My Mo for instance (the ginger piggy on my profile picture) was rather like how you've described and since getting him a friend (the white one:Steve) he has been soooooo much more active. It's really benefitted him. He has lost some weight, is more active and popcorning more, wheeks more and uses more guinea pig sounds etc and is eating foods he never used to lol.
Thanks guys. I got her this cage just waiting for it to get here. Pulling her out of her cage a lot until then because its so small .

as others have suggested she would benefit from having another little girl for company! Another point, how do you bring her out of the cage just now? They are nervous little creatures at the best of the time and if you just put your hands in and grab her she will be a bit frightened. I use the little nests that mine sleep in and bring this out with a piggy inside, sit it on my knee then gave the piggy time to get used to your voice before gently stroking them until they feel comfortable with your touch.
She needs time to adjust to her new surroundings... I think getting her a companion would also help, they don't want to live alone...
She is actually pretty social when we go to pick her up. The only thing I was worried about is her not playing by herself but she was last night. Think its just a matter of timing.
She definitely needs a friend. Someone who understands piggy talk. Also they like to be in hub of everything. Ours are in the living room & are constantly getting petted, & talked to.
I have to agree with everyone above as well, a friend is really beneficial to their lives. It seems like an extra guinea pig would be a lot more work, but it's not too bad. Just double the food and double the poo! Lol