New Piggy Owner

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Lily Robson

New Born Pup
Aug 20, 2014
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Hello, I was wondering if anyone could help me out as I'm a new piggy owner. I have two piggies which are around 10 weeks old, they have been settled into their new how for just over a week now :) I was wondering what kind of things I should do with my piggies and what things I should feed them, how often I should feed them this and how much I should feed them it.. for example two carrots twice a day etc. currently my guinea pigs are in a routine of receiving different mixtures of fruit and veg in the morning followed by more at night.. they have a constant supply of hay as well as some nuggets which were advised by the pet store. my piggies also go into a run which is rather pig three times a day and they seem to love it. sorry for seeming abit clueless etc but I just want to be sure of things so I can provide my guinea pigs with the best care! thanks
Hi and :wel:to the forum!
You'll receive all the knowledge you can get on this forum. :)
What size home do your pigs have?
I'm unsure on the size but it's very long and wide, provides enough space for them to have a run around as well as houses and tunnels and their food bowls so it's pretty spacious!
I'm unsure on the size but it's very long and wide, provides enough space for them to have a run around as well as houses and tunnels and their food bowls so it's pretty spacious!
Is it a c&c cage. (stands for cubes and coroplast/correx)
Oh, so it sounds like a pet shop cage.
Usually pet shop cages are too small, especially for two boys- thus resulting in fighting and not much hope at all of them being friends once blood is drawn. Did you get it from a pet shop?
@Lily Robson
I think it is, but it isn't too small, they have alot of room.. They're also two girls
I was just wondering what suitable diets to give them really and how big a portion should be of the food and how often they should get it.. and if you were aware of different behaviours between two guinea pigs I'd love to hear about them too so I'm more aware
I was just wondering what suitable diets to give them really and how big a portion should be of the food and how often they should get it.. and if you were aware of different behaviours between two guinea pigs I'd love to hear about them too so I'm more aware

I've posted some links above for you, about the diets, so you can get a picture of what other people give their piggies.

A dominance thread:
is it caller a zoozone cage? they are all plastic. if you go to each section, at the top threads are stickied and they are great guides. i advise going to each section and having a read because its so easy to overlook something like hygiene or first aid. good luck and welcome!

We have got a new information thread at the top of our food section specifically aimed at new owners; that will hopefully help you to get your piggies on the way:

Here are threads that will help you to settle in your new piggies; they are currently establishing their hierarchy:

We have got lots of information at the top of our various Care section, which you may find helpful; take your time to browse and to think things through before you rush out in a panic.

With members from all over the world, we find it extremely helpful if you added your country, state or (for the UK) your county or city so we can always give you the appropriate advice, recommendations or product links straight away. Click on your username on the top bar, then go to personal details and scroll down to location. Thanks!

Sadly pet shops have got firstly sales quotas to hit and not animal welfare to support. If they only touted their overpriced cages that comply with current minimal RSPCA recommendations, they would sell a lot less, as most people would think twice about buying a "cheap" pet. :(
I'm unsure on my cage as I am unaware of where it is from however it's a lot bigger than the ones you can get in a pet shop, but I now feel that it's not right for my piggies so I'm saving for a new one. but thankyou all for your help!
I give my male pair 1/2 a cup of pellets a day and 1 cup veggies a day :)
Make sure they have plenty of hay, and I give my boys a fruit or vegi every couple days. Parsley and kale are REALLY high in vitiman c. My boys LOVE parsley. Make sure you have plenty of pellets. Also get them some chew toys, or Apple orchard sticks from a pet store. You have 4 guinea pigs! Wow, you need to have more than one hideaway, I suggest two or three. Good luck :)
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