- Hi everyone! I'm new to this forum and also a new piggy owner and I need some advice. I have 2 rats and I recently got 2 guinea pig babies (both sows). They're about 3-4 months old. The younger of the two, Shayera has a serious biting problem. When we got her, she was extremely calm, not skittish at all when she was picked up, she barely moved while we were holding her. After we brought her home, we realized it's not that she's not skittish, she's just too scared to move. During playtime, she tends to sit in one place while the other one, Kara, wanders around and explores and even chuts. Shayera makes almost no noises ever. Kara lets us hold her and cuddle her and she'll just sit by me without doing anything naughty. Shayera, on the other hand, has been biting us. They're not even little nips like she's tasting us. She has broken skin twice on my boyfriend. I'm not sure if she's being aggressive or playful. She doesn't grind or chatter her teeth beforehand, she just bites. She's only done it to me once, but everytime my boyfriend holds her, it's like she's just looking for an opportunity to bite. When our rats do something bad, we gently blow behind their ears to tell them to stop. We tried to do that to Shayera also, but it doesn't seem to work. Is there something similar to "discipline" guinea pigs? We want to bond with Shayera, but the biting really prevents us from wanting to hang out with her.
- Another concern I have is about Kara. Sometimes when I pet her she makes cute little noises. They're not particularly loud or shrieky so I'm pretty certain they're happy noises. But sometimes, she vibrates a little bit everytime I touch her, almost as if she's trembling. Is that what she's doing? Is she scared? She usually stops after a bit, but it worries me.
- Their pee is sorta cloudy white. I've felt it and it doesn't have a gritty or grainy texture. I've even examined the buildup on the felt in their cages and it's not gritty or grainy. Is this normal or are they getting too much calcium? Their diet consists of Oxbow Cavy Cuisine and fresh veggies (so far they will only eat romaine lettuce, carrots, and parsley).
- Last question, I swear! When they are in their cages, they mostly stay in their hidey house. Sometimes they come out to eat, but if we walk in the room, they freeze and run back into their house. They don't ever come out of it to even play. We've tried luring them out with veggies and treats, but they don't respond to it. I've sat with my hand in their cage holding veggies, and they won't come out even after 30-40 minutes. Even outside of the cage, they won't eat treats or veggies out of hands. It's hard to "train" them or bond with them if we can't bribe them.