New Piggy Friends

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jul 5, 2014
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Canada, British Columbia, Maple Ridge
My guinea pig Gilbert just got a new piggy friend and I'm wondering something there both male Gilbert is around 4 and Cass or Smudge I'm not sure which yet is around 8 weeks anyway Gilbert seems to be trying to mate him and there's no blood but Cass/Smudge is making squeeking/wheeking noises and I'm just wondering if it's normal.
My guinea pig Gilbert just got a new piggy friend and I'm wondering something there both male Gilbert is around 4 and Cass or Smudge I'm not sure which yet is around 8 weeks anyway Gilbert seems to be trying to mate him and there's no blood but Cass/Smudge is making squeeking/wheeking noises and I'm just wondering if it's normal.

It is very normal. The high squealing is submission. Mounting is par for the bonding. Make sure that the little one has got a cardboard box or small tunnel where Gilbert can't follow him into if the humping is getting too much.
You may find this thread here helpful for the bonding:
Hi I recently lost my female Guinea pig BooBoo she was 4 1/2, so i got a new baby guinea pig big to keep Yogi (BooBoos cage mate) happy and i managed to slowly introduce them and they became very close, but yogi is quite old and sick so is constantly having trips to the vet and lots of medication so we thought we should bring them inside as its meant to be a cold winter, we bought a 100cm indoor cage. As yogi is quite sick we thought it would be best to get another guinea pig to add in so that if Yogi passed away Peaches wouldn't be lonely. We called up the pet shop and luckily they still had peaches sister so we bought her. I've tried to introduce them but it didn't go well, Peaches kept launching at her with her teeth ready, but Yogi was not too bad since then Yogi has accepted Pomme more or less but Peaches has not. We added one extra floor in the cage to provide extra room for the three of them. Pomme was in there for the first night last night but everytime Peaches comes near her she cries (squeaks) with submission but Peaches still goes and pulls out a bit of her fur making Pomme Cry more. I read online that maybe Peaches is just trying to assert her dominance so i therefore assumed it would stop soon enough as no one was getting seriously injured it would settle down soon. But Pomme is very timid and hardly comes out of her snuggle so i put hay, water and dry food upstairs so she could get it without seeing Peaches but she still won't really come out of her snuggle what should i do? ( sorry for the long speech) they're all females xx
Hi I recently lost my female Guinea pig BooBoo she was 4 1/2, so i got a new baby guinea pig big to keep Yogi (BooBoos cage mate) happy and i managed to slowly introduce them and they became very close, but yogi is quite old and sick so is constantly having trips to the vet and lots of medication so we thought we should bring them inside as its meant to be a cold winter, we bought a 100cm indoor cage. As yogi is quite sick we thought it would be best to get another guinea pig to add in so that if Yogi passed away Peaches wouldn't be lonely. We called up the pet shop and luckily they still had peaches sister so we bought her. I've tried to introduce them but it didn't go well, Peaches kept launching at her with her teeth ready, but Yogi was not too bad since then Yogi has accepted Pomme more or less but Peaches has not. We added one extra floor in the cage to provide extra room for the three of them. Pomme was in there for the first night last night but everytime Peaches comes near her she cries (squeaks) with submission but Peaches still goes and pulls out a bit of her fur making Pomme Cry more. I read online that maybe Peaches is just trying to assert her dominance so i therefore assumed it would stop soon enough as no one was getting seriously injured it would settle down soon. But Pomme is very timid and hardly comes out of her snuggle so i put hay, water and dry food upstairs so she could get it without seeing Peaches but she still won't really come out of her snuggle what should i do? ( sorry for the long speech) they're all females xx
First thing is the cage is tiny. It is not big enough for one guinea pig let alone three. Have you looked at c and c cages? They are great as you can make them any size you like. For three guinea pigs I would make it at least 5 by 3. These links will help you to bond your piggies and understand their behaviour,

I am very sorry you lost boo boo. You are welcome to post a tribute to her on the rainbow bridge thread.
Hi! Apart from the three needing more cage space, especially with two youngsters, please let each of them have their own hidey and ideally food bowl, too.

I guess you just put the newbie into cage without intros on neutral ground? This usually provokes a much stronger response, as the newbie is treated as an intruder. Peaches is the one whose position in the hierarchy is under threat, so her dominance behaviour will be strongest. While guinea pigs may recognise each other, they identify themselves primarily over the group they are a member of.

Could you please add your country, state or (for the UK) your county/city to your details, so we can always give you the appropriate advice and recommendations straight away. We are dealing with members from all over the world, and conditions and options can be very different. Click on your username, then go to personal details and scroll down to location. Thanks!
@Caviequeen, I am so happy you have been able to find Gilbert a cage mate! I hope they get along for a long time (maybe even their whole life)! I hope there will be only happy pigs in your household!
@Caviequeen, I am so happy you have been able to find Gilbert a cage mate! I hope they get along for a long time (maybe even their whole life)! I hope there will be only happy pigs in your household!
Awe thanx piggyfan15 yea I never thought I'd be able to find mr Gilbert a cage mate, he's just so grumpy but luckily Smudge is just as feisty and grumpy as mr Gilbert.
Here's a picture of Smudge image.webp
Awe thanx piggyfan15 yea I never thought I'd be able to find mr Gilbert a cage mate, he's just so grumpy but luckily Smudge is just as feisty and grumpy as mr Gilbert.
Here's a picture of Smudge View attachment 18577
Aww...hello Mr.Smudge! What breed are you? You better be nice to Mr.Gilbert :P

Can you take some pictures of Gilbert and Smudge together, please? I'm sure everyone would enjoy the pigtures. :)
Awe thanx piggyfan15 yea I never thought I'd be able to find mr Gilbert a cage mate, he's just so grumpy but luckily Smudge is just as feisty and grumpy as mr Gilbert.
Here's a picture of Smudge View attachment 18577
she looks identical to my newest baby piggy Pepper! so i'm anxious to hear what breed she is; she's adorable
she looks identical to my newest baby piggy Pepper! so i'm anxious to hear what breed she is; she's adorable

sorry guys Smudge is a pure aby and yes i will put pics up of both him and gilbert, i will say this about him he can be a little bit of a brat he often will steal food right out of gilberts mouth but dont worry gibby still eats enough
Oh wow smudge does sound just liked Pepper! She will actually take food out of Cinnamons mouth! And sometimes she won't even eat it! I feel so bad because she's adorable but seems to sort of bully Cinnamon who is older bigger and so gentle!
Awe haha yea well I don't feel to bad Gilbert has always been a huge bully and a bit of a grumpy goat especially when it comes to other piggies, I mean he's always loved me his mommy but if another pig looked at him he'd go for them that's how my Hodgins got a rip in his ear so when him and smudge got along without a hitch I was thrilled.
I think it's because I recently had a huge scare with Gibby he almost died, he had upper respitory infection a really bad one and of course I got meds for him from my vet but it was almost to late and I thought I was going to lose him but then out of the blue he got better I think he had the will to live and he dident want to give up just yet, now he can barely talk anymore but he's happy and healthy which is why I think he excepted a new friend.
Awe haha yea well I don't feel to bad Gilbert has always been a huge bully and a bit of a grumpy goat especially when it comes to other piggies, I mean he's always loved me his mommy but if another pig looked at him he'd go for them that's how my Hodgins got a rip in his ear so when him and smudge got along without a hitch I was thrilled.
I think it's because I recently had a huge scare with Gibby he almost died, he had upper respitory infection a really bad one and of course I got meds for him from my vet but it was almost to late and I thought I was going to lose him but then out of the blue he got better I think he had the will to live and he dident want to give up just yet, now he can barely talk anymore but he's happy and healthy which is why I think he excepted a new friend.
Aww so glad Gibby recovered! My Cinnamon gets recurrent URIs very scary!
yea and the worst part is knowing theres nothing i can do for him and i jst have to let him suffer,
my fisrt piggy ever i had to watch die in my arms she was fine one minuete and then the next she was having a siesure in my arms and i couldent rush to the vet cause it was late at night so i had to hold her and watch her pass away it was over in half an hour tho but i cried the whole time and long after she passed still have no clue why she died.
yea and the worst part is knowing theres nothing i can do for him and i jst have to let him suffer,
my fisrt piggy ever i had to watch die in my arms she was fine one minuete and then the next she was having a siesure in my arms and i couldent rush to the vet cause it was late at night so i had to hold her and watch her pass away it was over in half an hour tho but i cried the whole time and long after she passed still have no clue why she died.
Ohh how sad! Mine are young but with Cinnamons recurrent issues I fear that very scenario! It's devastating! And unfortunately around me most people don't have guinea pigs as pets so I have no exotic specialists near by. They're such innocent little joys to have you so hate to see them suffer in any way
Ohh how sad! Mine are young but with Cinnamons recurrent issues I fear that very scenario! It's devastating! And unfortunately around me most people don't have guinea pigs as pets so I have no exotic specialists near by. They're such innocent little joys to have you so hate to see them suffer in any way

Yea exactly my friends and family dont understand how i can care so much about my pigs or how i can spend 100s of dollars on them but i love it there my babies
Exactly! I get the same reaction especially when they hear about the vet bills. Unfortunately in my area guinea pigs are viewed much like goldfish sort of "disposable" and easily replaceable. But I adore my piggies and they each have their own distinct personality
I'm so glad Gilbert recovered from his URI! Still waiting for those's great Gilbert has a new cage mate, though!
Well that's good that you understand piggies deserve all the love we can give them Irene, haha yea sorry guineapigfan15 Christmas is always super busy for me I just took a bunch of Christmas pictures of my pigs I'll put them up when I can.
Thanks! :)
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