New Piggy? Dominant Or Not Dominant ?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 2, 2016
Reaction score
United Kingdom
So I'm finally getting a second piggy ahhh!
I phoned my local rescue and they said they have 2 males in one is really dominant and one is not. I'm so unsure of what one to get as obviously I don't really know if gizmos dominant or not as he's on his own. What do you think I should get?
So I'm finally getting a second piggy ahhh!
I phoned my local rescue and they said they have 2 males in one is really dominant and one is not. I'm so unsure of what one to get as obviously I don't really know if gizmos dominant or not as he's on his own. What do you think I should get?

Always go for the more submissive one if you cannot date at the rescue. Then your chances for success are higher if making a match if Gizmo is another dominant one. ;)
I would choose the less dominant one, given the choice. The odds are better that things will go well when you introduce them. Some dominant pigs can be REALLY bossy... one of my past pigs, Linney, was like that. She ruled with an iron fist. I was very nervous pairing her up because I knew if we ended up with another pig like her they would not be able to tolerate each other and someone was going to get hurt. When we got her a companion, we deliberately chose the meekest pig we could find!
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