New piggy behaviours and tips

Nov 23, 2020
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United Kingdom
Hi, I just got 2 adorable boars named Teddy and Arnold. I was wondering if anyone had any taming tips that could help my piggies. They were terrified when I got them (understandably and it is quite normal) and went straight to hide. They didn't come out to hide until I went to sleep and I woke up to find poo everywhere. I have occasionally seen them out today however as soon as I walk in the room they dart into their hide and don't come out until I leave. Then, I sat in the room on my phone to see if they will come out - they didn't. I have been talking to them as much as possible in a calm voice. They haven't come out to see where that noise is coming for. I was wondering if I should try and hold food for them entrance of their hidey to see if they will eat from it. Tips about anything would be very appreciated! Thank you
If you’ve had them for less than a week, then it’s best to cover their cage with a blanket and leave them to settle in, only putting food in their cage and removing poops and then leaving them alone. After a week you can uncover the cage and talk to them next to the cage, slowly start to offer food from your hand (it can take sometimes many weeks before they will take it from you though) . The most important thing is to take it at their pace. As prey animals, their default mode is scared and it can take quite some time for them settle and not run off as soon as you go to them.
If you’ve had them for less than a week, then it’s best to cover their cage with a blanket and leave them to settle in, only putting food in their cage and removing poops and then leaving them alone. After a week you can uncover the cage and talk to them next to the cage, slowly start to offer food from your hand (it can take sometimes many weeks before they will take it from you though) . The most important thing is to take it at their pace. As prey animals, their default mode is scared and it can take quite some time for them settle and not run off as soon as you go to them.
And, when can i take them out in their playpen?
And, when can i take them out in their playpen?

again it depends on how long you’ve had them. If it is less than a week, then you shouldn’t do it yet.
they need to feel comfortable and safe within their cage - it could take a couple of weeks before that happens - before you let them out. If they don’t feel safe in their cage and don’t trust you (which can take months to gain full trust), then all that will happen if you let them out of the cage too early is that they will be terrified
I agree that was the mistake I made I rushed mine in too early and frightened the life out of my first guinea pig! I thought she was dead because she wasn't moving so I went to check! So try not to handle too early no matter how tempting it is! I would also recommend hand fed fresh grass. Mine love this more than anything else and will happily snatch this off me even when scared! Best of luck
Hi, update on day number 2 (so far)

This morning, i woke up and went to check on them and as it should be normally, there was poop everywhere and at the back Center of the cage, a lot of pee! They had drank water and finished pretty much all their food. i checked on them about an hour later and the braver piggie was out. I walked in and he ran away. I waited and kneeled down to be at their level and spoke to them. That same piggie came out, drank water, at food and gave me a big yawn facing us! I was so happy! The other piggie kept poking his head out and when he saw us, ran back in his house! Any tips on helping the scared piggie be more comfortable around me? Thanks
Hi, update on day number 2 (so far)

This morning, i woke up and went to check on them and as it should be normally, there was poop everywhere and at the back Center of the cage, a lot of pee! They had drank water and finished pretty much all their food. i checked on them about an hour later and the braver piggie was out. I walked in and he ran away. I waited and kneeled down to be at their level and spoke to them. That same piggie came out, drank water, at food and gave me a big yawn facing us! I was so happy! The other piggie kept poking his head out and when he saw us, ran back in his house! Any tips on helping the scared piggie be more comfortable around me? Thanks

it’ll take time. Just keep doing what you are doing. its only been a very short time. It has taken the more scared one of mine, two years to get braver around me!
Yes, I will do. He is obviously scared but if i'm lucky, will learn from the braver piggie.

hopefully! Its a very individual thing though. My more nervous piggy (who is actually the dominant) doesn’t seem to have taken any cues from the brave one (the submissive)! They get there in their own time though, so don’t try to rush if and instead go at their pace.
Day 3: they have been out for ages! They were fine when we walked in and didn’t always run away. Today i gave them a leaf of little gem lettuce. They seem to like it! They’re doing well, will start to see if i can handle them tomorrow maybe!
I would give them a week before you handle them. I know you want to handle them but day 3 is still very early. They’re not all cuddly and may never like it.
Day 3: they have been out for ages! They were fine when we walked in and didn’t always run away. Today i gave them a leaf of little gem lettuce. They seem to like it! They’re doing well, will start to see if i can handle them tomorrow maybe!

With enough hand-feeding and passive interaction, they may eventually start coming to the cage door for handouts like mine do. 😛 Though Percy felt like staying in the hide when taking this pic whilst Pedro was being adorable.

It will be a long while before you can hold them without them freaking out though, even now Pedro dislikes being taken out to have his fur brushed. 😆
Try petting them whilst inside the cage when they eventually settle fully and start approaching you, such as a single finger rub atop the head or a gentle scratch under the chin. If they run, leave them be and try again when they grow curious of you again and having bribed them more with tasty goodies.
For day 3 it sounds like you’re doing great! All guinea pigs have different personalities. For example, rusty took weeks before he was comfortable with me even getting close to him, and shadow was hopping on my lap after the first day. So don’t be disappointed if one takes a bit longer to warm up to you. Good luck:)
I'm assuming yours are young and new? It's a bit different if you re-home and it depends on their previous experiences of people. I've just got a pair of girls and yes, day 1 they totally hid, but these are 3 years old and rehomed from a rescue which had their history and they were used to people (just not me at the minute!) They've rapidly come out of their shell - once they figured out our daily routine but veggies are absolutely the key. I don't even feel bad about the bribery... after all it's not me prostituting my attentions for yellow pepper!
I'm assuming yours are young and new? It's a bit different if you re-home and it depends on their previous experiences of people. I've just got a pair of girls and yes, day 1 they totally hid, but these are 3 years old and rehomed from a rescue which had their history and they were used to people (just not me at the minute!) They've rapidly come out of their shell - once they figured out our daily routine but veggies are absolutely the key. I don't even feel bad about the bribery... after all it's not me prostituting my attentions for yellow pepper!
Yes they are 13 weeks and hadn’t been handled before i got them at all. I have started everything from scratg. They’re doing great though, yesterday they took treats from my hand so today i fed them about a third of their veggies on my lap before they got a bit squirmy. They even pooped on me! (Is that a good sign!?). They seemed to be very relaxed as eyes nearly closed. They’re ok with being picked up. It doesn’t take too long and although they squeak at me annoyingly, they soon forgive me as they love playtime in their indoor pen and seem to like lap time as well!