New Piggy Addition...

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Adult Guinea Pig
Feb 17, 2014
Reaction score
Midlands, UK
Hi everyone, I have a bit of an update for you. As some of you know, I lost Alfie very suddenly over a week ago now, which left my Joey by himself. Joey seemed fine for the first few days so I wasn't too worried at all, but then towards the end of last week he became very quiet, not as active as normal and not even finishing his nuggets. He was clearly not enjoying being by himself and seemed ready for a new friend way before I was ready! But I had to put Joey first as I couldn't stand seeing him so down for much longer.
I was told about someone who has a small rescue nearby and rang her on the off chance that she may have piggies looking for homes. I was told she had a baby boar needing a home! So I sorted out a cage and collected him yesterday morning. Him and Joey are now side by side and after only a day there has been a big change in Joey, he is wheeking lots again and eating everything in sight. I didn't know if I'd done the right thing getting a new piggie so soon but Joey's behaviour has definitely confirmed that I have!

Although the plan was to not get too attached to the new piggie (in case him and Joey don't get on when they meet properly) I have fallen in love with him already & I'm just so pleased to see Joey acting more like his normal self again. I am still missing Alfie so much, so I'm feeling a strange mixture of emotions right now!

But...I would like everyone to meet this little fella (still undecided on a name - so far the nickname 'sheep-pig' seems to have stuck! Suggestions welcome!) x x

sheep.webp sheep1.webp sheep2.webp sheep4.webp sheep5.webp sheep6.webp
OMG Katie, he is gorgeous! I hope he works out and the bonding goes well!
Thank you Ruth :) I might need some help from you guys when the time comes to let them meet with no bars between them! I have been reading a lot of threads on here already to prepare myself lol x
I'll certainly help where I can, though I have no experience of bonding boars as my tribe are ladies :)
Aw he's cute! Hope you like brushing piggies lol :) I didn't think there is a reputable rescue around our area? Have you got him quarantined for a couple of weeks just in case? Joey looks very happy! Larry maybe? Lol :)
On my gosh he is one of the cutest piggies I have ever seen! I can totally see why you have fallen in love.
OMG! Call him fluffy! Or cloud! Or Ryou... okay thats an inside name you won't get. >>;
My boyfriend wants me to tell you to call him yoshi. I asked him if he wanted to see one of the cutest pigs in the world and showed him the pictures.
Aw he's cute! Hope you like brushing piggies lol :) I didn't think there is a reputable rescue around our area? Have you got him quarantined for a couple of weeks just in case? Joey looks very happy! Larry maybe? Lol :)
Don't worry I was told about her from someone who I know I can trust, she has had him 3 months and has been a happy/healthy boy in that time. But yes you are right, I do need to invest in a piggy hair brush now lol! x
My boyfriend wants me to tell you to call him yoshi. I asked him if he wanted to see one of the cutest pigs in the world and showed him the pictures.
Awwww thank you :) I quite like Yoshi! I don't know how I ever thought I could try not to get attached to him! He is a chilled out little guinea pig too, he's not bothered about hiding when I come into the room and has already come to sniff my hand when I gave him his veggies tonight, he's currently lying under his bridge watching Joey. Can't believe how relaxed he is to be honest!
Awwww thank you :) I quite like Yoshi! I don't know how I ever thought I could try not to get attached to him! He is a chilled out little guinea pig too, he's not bothered about hiding when I come into the room and has already come to sniff my hand when I gave him his veggies tonight, he's currently lying under his bridge watching Joey. Can't believe how relaxed he is to be honest!
It is wonderful how well he is settling in and how happy he has made Joey.
Oh look at him! He's beautiful! Ive never seen a piggie like that before! I would fall in love with him myself too!

Glad to hear Joey is doing better too! I hope they manage too be friends! :D
Oh look at him! He's beautiful! Ive never seen a piggie like that before! I would fall in love with him myself too!

Glad to hear Joey is doing better too! I hope they manage too be friends! :D
Oh look at him! He's beautiful! Ive never seen a piggie like that before! I would fall in love with him myself too!

Glad to hear Joey is doing better too! I hope they manage too be friends! :D
Thanks Abbie :) hopefully they'll both behave like your two boys did when they met! x
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