New piggies


Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 3, 2021
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Hi there,

We bought home 2 girls yesterday that are 9 weeks old. We are keeping them in for another month until putting outside so that it can be a bit warmer out.

Anyway we've pretty much left them alone since. Just talking gently as we go by the cage. They both are coming out but usually dart back inside to hide when they see us. But a few times now they've come out to look about while we are talking nearby which is nice. I think they are figuring out whos boss.

I'm going to sit by the cage with hubby in the evenings just playing a card game or something so they get used to us. Is this OK?
When should I try to handle them?
We have 2 children but I'm not letting them handle them until they are truly settled.

Also one has started making a weird snuffly noise. But only since last night. She was fine before that. Its not all the time but most if the time. No runny nose or anything.

Anyway thanks.

We are calling them Poppom and Blossom 🌸
We generally advise to leave them to settle in for a week, doing nothing more than feeding, sitting talking to them. What you are doing is absolutely fine.
After that start offering food from your hand and see how things go. This may take weeks to months for them to take food from you. Some piggies settle quicker and realise you aren’t a threat quicker than others

In terms in handling, it’s a case of taking their lead and bearing in mInd some piggies never like being handled and cuddled.
My own boys have been with me for four years but don’t like being handled – they will both come to the front of the cage to see what I’ve got for them, are happy to be around me and will take food from me (took six weeks for one of them to take food for the first time but it took the other a year and a half before he was brave enough) but handling goes as far as weight and health checks, they don’t like just being sat and cuddled.
Hi there,

We bought home 2 girls yesterday that are 9 weeks old. We are keeping them in for another month until putting outside so that it can be a bit warmer out.

Anyway we've pretty much left them alone since. Just talking gently as we go by the cage. They both are coming out but usually dart back inside to hide when they see us. But a few times now they've come out to look about while we are talking nearby which is nice. I think they are figuring out whos boss.

I'm going to sit by the cage with hubby in the evenings just playing a card game or something so they get used to us. Is this OK?
When should I try to handle them?
We have 2 children but I'm not letting them handle them until they are truly settled.

Also one has started making a weird snuffly noise. But only since last night. She was fine before that. Its not all the time but most if the time. No runny nose or anything.

Anyway thanks.

We are calling them Poppom and Blossom 🌸

Hi and welcome

You may find our New Owners collection of practical tips and needful information for settling in guinea pigs, making friends with them, handling, practical family piggy information, getting your piggies used to fresh grass, learning to understand their behaviour and social interaction, learning what is normal and what now; essentials in housing, diet and grooming care and the little things that can throw any new owner. We have also included a guide on how to get your piggies used to fresh grass and lawn time without causing tummy upsets and illness; and of course information on spotting early signs of illness and emergency care.

Here is the link, which you may want to bookmark, browse, read and re-read at need. The guides contain all the little practical how-to details that we cannot pack into every post: Getting Started - Essential Information for New Owners

Please be aware that you need to treat indoors guinea pigs like tender plants that need hardening off; you cannot just move them out on the first warm day of the year. There is a period of several weeks where you may need to move your piggies back inside due to frost or heavy rain.
In the link above, we also have included cold weather tips and - even more importantly - hot weather care information, which can be life-saving as hutches and lawn runs can quickly turn into death traps during a heat wave.

Your piggies are generally ready for handling when they pick up food from your hands but our piggy whispering guide will help you to speed up this process a little if you use their own language to reassure them rather than wait until they have figured out humans!.
I will definitely go through those. I've already started looking haha

Although one question that I couldn't find an answer to. I want to double check their sex to be on the safe side but do I wait for them to settle in a bit more or just quickly get on and do it?
I will definitely go through those. I've already started looking haha

Although one question that I couldn't find an answer to. I want to double check their sex to be on the safe side but do I wait for them to settle in a bit more or just quickly get on and do it?

Checking their sex must be done immediately, particularly if they are pet shop or breeder piggies as missexing is unfortunately common