New Piggies

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Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 13, 2015
Reaction score
So 2 little sisters, Posey and Myrtle came home with me today! Yay! They are all tucked up in their cage in the kitchen nibbling on carrots and hay. Will get some pictures in a few days when they're a bit more settled.

BUT... I really hope you don't all shoot me down in flames, I didn't get them from the rescue in the end. I went over to the rescue centre on Thursday to buy an outdoor run that they had for sale and to find out about my application, but the lady didn't really seem keen for me to look at the piggies. I only managed to get a look round because I'd gone with my friend who has adopted from there and is more assertive than me! I said that I was waiting for a home visit, but she wasn't interested. It was all very strange and my friend thought the same thing too. I'm not sure if she wasn't happy with my application but there's no obvious reason why I should be turned down. I do have young children, 5 and 8, maybe they weren't happy with that? But the piggies are actually for me! They're my furry babies!

Anyway, hopefully you'll all still speak to me because I'm sure to be asking questions. And hopefully I'll manage to get some good pics assuming they stay still for long enough!
Looking forward to seeing photos of your new furry babies. Very strange reaction from the shelter lady. I don't think 5 and 8 are too young either to refuse piggies to a parent.
I came away feeling quite upset really because I know I'm offering a good home. Hey ho. I bought the run from them, so at least I've made a financial contribution.
Will definitely put pics up in the next few days. They really are properly gorgeous!
Of course we'll still speak to you .

There are many reasons why we are pro forum - so, It's so upsetting when people have a negative experience with a rescue.

I remember emailing a few and never getting a response . Fortunately, I found one in the end - and Max went dating .

I'm looking forward to seeing some pigtures.
Oh that must certainly have been upsetting and frustrating.

You tried your best but if you decide to get any more (trust me they are addictive :lol!: ) next time I would perhaps try somewhere else as there are so many places now with piggies needing homes now unfortunately.

At the end of the day we are all here cause we love our piggies and various other animals as you will see so welcome to you and your lovely piggies. We love lots of 'pigtures' so hopefully you can explain to them the importance of sitting still to have photo time XD
:D I agree with the above posts. In the end, you are going to give two piggies a lovely new caring home, and the women at the rescue should be more friendly and helpful. Sometimes, the people who work in these places can, I think, get a bit possessive about the animals and don't really want any of them to go to new homes. A friend of mine went to a cat rescue and one of the women running the place followed him around all the time, not actually talking to him, just watching him, as if he was going to try to kidnap a cat! :inn:
Try not to feel upset, you will make a great piggy parent. the forum is pro rescue but all piggies are important no matter where you get them from. I cannot wait to hear and hopefully see lots about your newbies as the settle. Really looking forward to pigtures :love:
Love their names by the way!
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